We are continuing to see issues with Workfront performance and have quite a few open tickets to address these issues. Is anyone else seeing the following issues?
- When opening projects no data displays other than left nav and the browser needs to be refreshed
- We are seeing duplicate objects being created (updates, projects. tasks)
- Timecards are not autosaving
- Calendar icons not working when entering dates
My users are getting VERY frustrated and I am hearing it.
Hey Chad,
We have about 9 Workfront instances here at JP Morgan and collectively us admins across those instances were seeing significant slow down, as were our users. For us, we use virtual desktops and secured/locked laptops for most of our work. We noticed if we logged on outside of those devices, like personal PC and hitting the WF URL that speeds were very good. Our IT would not hear of it but we persisted as a group of 9 and they started looking at network and browser tools they use for securing everything we touch.
Found out that the web browser virus scan engines they use to scan every page we touch was failing so pages were waiting for the engines to respond before loading/rendering for us. That is what caused our slow down. IT allowed our instances to bypass that proxy set up for the time being while they identify a long-time solution. We are golden now but the scenario above (including tickets to WF) took a couple of months going around. Good luck on your quest
That is an encouraging ending to a long story, Kurt.
Years ago, having also had to bring in the Network Sniffer Canine Unit, one of our clients discovered that their server was "helpfully" load-balancing calls to and from Workfront across their two different (for redundancy) network providers, and when such calls went "out" on Provider A but then "came back" on Provider B, there was a flurry of (undetected) time-consuming reverification going on behind the scenes. In that case, the IT team forced Workfront to have server affinity to only Provider A, and things immediately sped up dramatically.
I'm seeing some significant slowdowns and have a few tickets open as well. This seems like the never ending story since NWE was introduced. It takes a full minute to display our "Companies" page which I documented via video. Sometimes pages just don't display but do when you refresh. Some pages don't display changes until you force refresh. yada, yada.
We all log in from home so no virus page scanners or anything like that. Some of us use our own devices and some use company devices. Some of us have lightning fast connections and some do not. Some use PCs, Macs, Linux, and varying browsers. All are seeing the same issues for the past year or so now. I think the newer Workfront interface is just slow and that's all there is to it. Live with it… or not.
Hi Chad - I agree we're seeing an increasing number of pages not loading, bread crumbs failing to load, and needing to refresh pages to get it to load.
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