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Workfront Not Updating Percent Complete Field


Level 2
I have noticed that Workfront is not updating the % Complete field on tasks and on the project. Can anyone help shed some light on why this may be and what I might be able to do? The Settings on the project are as follows: Completion Mode: Automatic Summary Completion Mode: Automatic Update Type: Automatic and On Change I have attached an image of my project view. Note that I have updated tasks 1 and 2 to indicate that some work has been completed (2 hours and .5 hours respectively), but the % complete has not been updated at all. The only ways I have been able to get the % Complete field to update are to enter the task and tell it "I'm Done" or to click into the % Complete and manually update it. Is this a technical issue or a training issue?

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10 Replies


Level 3
The settings which you have are settings for the project. Completion mode:Automatic will change your project status from Current to Complete once all the tasks and Issues are marked 100% complete. Summary Completion Mode takes into account whether the subtasks should roll up to parent tasks and then should roll upto project percent complete. Tasks have their own settings for update. More information can be found here: https://support.workfront.com/hc/en-us/articles/216636448-Understanding-Tracking-Mode-for-Tasks In our instance, we want our project managers to manually update their tasks for percent complete.


Level 2
Supriya - thanks for providing the link to the Tracking Modes for Tasks page. I have actually already seen this page and have experimented with changing the tracking mode settings on each of the tasks to which I have applied work. Nevertheless, the % Complete field is never updated. I appreciate that some may wish to have the PM manually update the % Complete, but I am looking for it to be calculated by the tool.


Level 10
We do not calculate our percent complete, either. We believe that the percent complete represents the percent of the deliverable completed, not the ratio of actual hours to planned hours. If the work done is directly proportional to the time invested, then it might be okay, but we don’t see that kind of relationship. If we could describe a curve of planned time per task (upcoming product feature, btw), then autocalculating the percent complete might work for us. Until then, we require PMs to enter it manually. Hope you get it figured out! Eric


Level 2
I think it's going to come down to me re-evaluating my approach to understanding the work in progress and what's important for reporting.


Level 2
I also found this article: "https://support.workfront.com/hc/en-us/articles/217663948-Percent-Complete-Calculation" https://support.workfront.com/hc/en-us/articles/217663948-Percent-Complete-Calculation Not sure that it's actually very helpful in my situtation, since no matter what variables I change, I'm not acheiving the desired results.


Level 2

I tested this. The Plan Duration needs to be in hours also. once you do that, you will be able to see the % complete, and it will calculate automatically. Your example is mixing days and hours.

It's not the best method, but it does calculate.

I have attached an sample test0690z000007ZkE2AAK.png


Level 10
{{Linda}} Are you saying that WorkFront doesn’t convert days, weeks, or months to hours? Say it isn’t so! Thanks! Eric


Level 2
True, probably not the best method, since I would then need to be sure to be a lot more carefull when working with task constraints and dates. So, in order to test, I deleted my existing test project and started a new one. I created a task that was 2 hours in duration and 2 planned hours. I am using the default duration type of "Calculated Assignment". I then added 1 hour of actual work to the task, but the % Complete still didn't budge from "0%". I'm guessing at this point I should bring in my administrator.


Level 2
its does. it's just that his example didn't seem to work together


Level 1
What we are doing instead of having the PM manually update the %complete on the task when it is not 100% complete, is to have the assigned user do this from their Working On tab. Their profile setting needs to have the field checked for 'Show percent complete on update status'. The user then logs time on the same task from their Working On tab. It would be ideal not to have to do two steps. I would be interested to know if task percent complete can be calculated when users log their time. I don't see anything when I search Help. Thanks. Sharon Nagata, Project Manager IS Community Medical Centers Corporate Information Systems 1140 T Street, Fresno CA 93721 Phone: (559) 459-2343, x52343 Website: www.CommunityMedical.org