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Workfront Engineer


Level 2
Hi Everyone - Our department opted into having a Workfront Engineer for this year's contract. Can you recommend anything or give your experience with a WF Engineer? What did they help you build, what did they create, anything along those lines. Many thanks! Jill Jillian McGovern Project Manager NYU Langone Health New York, New York Email: jillian.mcgovern@nyulangone.org Phone: 646.754.7358

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8 Replies


Level 6
I didn't even know this was a thing. Curious what people use this for.. Brian Brian C. Mauger


Level 7
Hi Jillian, Did your department purchase an Assigned Support Engineer, or a Workfront System Admin? Both are 2 different roles, both available to purchase. The ASE (myself for example) is your point of contact for all support related requests, be it "How do I build a report to show x-y-z?" to "This part of the tool doesn't seem to work like I would expect" and more. The WSA is more like you hired a system admin that knows Workfront very well, and would do admin duties like build out request queues, custom forms, manage users, access levels etc. I hope this clarifies the two roles, and congrats either way.. both roles have wonderful engineers working in them! Thanks, Dustin Martin Assigned Support Engineer Workfront


Level 10
Dustin, can you elaborate on the differences between an ASE and WSA? Because it sounds like there is some overlap, as our WSA often helped me with "how do I build..." sorts of requests because 4 hours a month was not always enough for him to *do* things, and more efficient to tutor me with and to finish-off where I got stuck I find Support, without an ASE, pretty helpful on "I need to be able to X but can't quite figure it out," as long as I'm patient. So what would an ASE gain me? We had to give-up our WSA because of cost and intermittent need; my managers decided it might take myself and Support longer to get things done than a WSA, but they had faith I could manage. ;-) Kevin Quosig


Level 7
Hey Kevin, I'm familiar with most of our WSA team, as they came from Support, and I've been here for a few years.. That said, in terms of actual technical job description.. The ASE would be the main point of contact for all technical issues within Workfront, handling things like determining if functionality is working as intended, and being your liaison with our engineering teams. An ASE gets to know your processes that you talk about more often, and you build a close relationship with them. A WSA would be more like a contractor that you give work to do, and pay for a certain amount of time per month. Part of being on the ASE team though, means that we have a bit more experience than our Tier 1 counterparts, typically have an admin account in most of our customer environments for quicker and easier troubleshooting, and have regular cadence calls with most customers to discuss support requests, questions, what's coming, etc. Think of it more like a technical account manager with a more hands on approach to your needs as a company, but without paying for a set amount of hours. We also don't typically build things out in customer environments, but we'll give expert advice and direction on how to do it. I find that the customers I work with tend to love having a single point of contact versus working with multiple folks on multiple requests, it just makes life easier without having to explain everything to everyone over and over. Thanks for the question! Dustin Martin Assigned Support Engineer Workfront


Level 10
Thanks Dustin, that was a great explanation and something we're going to keep in mind for the future. :-) Kevin Quosig


Level 2
Hi - We purchased the ASE so I would love to figure out how we can use this feature to help us better develop WF to our needs. Thanks for your help! Jill Jillian McGovern Project Manager NYU Langone Health New York, New York Email: jillian.mcgovern@nyulangone.org Phone: 646.754.7358


Level 7
Hi Jill, I would recommend reaching out to your ASE and chatting with them. We each have strengths that we can use to help our customers better utilize the system. =) Dustin Martin Assigned Support Engineer Workfront


Level 2
Thanks so much Dustin - just made an appointment with him for this week! Jillian McGovern Project Manager NYU Langone Health New York, New York Email: jillian.mcgovern@nyulangone.org Phone: 646.754.7358