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Work Licenses can't see Risks.


Level 2
Hey everyone. We are still a little new to Workfront and I am getting everyone's accounts set up. For some reason my Work license users cannot see the Risks tab on projects. Does anyone know why there is this restriction. The Permissions section of setup doesn't mention risks so I cannot even turn it on or off. This would be quite rediculous if my project team cannot see the project risks. Ian
6 Replies


Level 7
Oh, how about that. I never noticed that (we don't use the Risk feature of Workfront. However, you can create a Risk Report and share it with them so they could see. You could put it in a dashboard and then create a custom tab so they would have it on every project.


Level 1
We are kinda new to Workfront too. However, try setting up a template and assign it to users with work license. It should work. Rizwana


Level 2
Thanks Greg. That's a good idea. If you don't use the risks tab, what do you use?


Level 2
Hey Rizwana, What do you mean by create a template?


Level 7
We just handle it manually. Regarding templates, you can create a Dashboard with the report on it, and then create a Layout Template for your users, and add the dashboard to the Layout template. Under layout template, choose "Customize Tabs", and then select "A Project" from the dropdown, and then you can add a custom tab from there.


Level 5
Ian - the risk tab I beleive requires "View Finance" access, as Workfront designates the Risks as a financial area. This can be handled with the sharing. As others have mentioned, you may be able to work around this by adding a custom tab as a replacement. Create a report of the risks, add it to a dashboard, and push that dashboard via the Layout Template in SETUP to your users. The Layout Templates can provide a lot of valuable options. We have a Project Summary tab that is a dashboard of the key project information all in one tab: Project name, Desc, PM, Sponsor, and Condition Update, a Milestone Report showing percent complete on each milestone, the active issues list, and the risk log. Note: You may have to set the reports to "run as" someone to get the risks visible becaus of the aforementioned Finance Fields limitation.