Hi there!
Ever since we got into Workfront (2020) we've had a mystery to solve. Sometimes when we get a notification that we have a proof to review it has a "view details" button that links back to the project/issue and other times it does not. We can't seem to figure out why it is only there in certain situations and not others- and can't isolate what is different between the two circumstances. We've gone back and forth with support a number of times to no avail. Has anyone else encountered this before? Do we know where this button comes from/how it is applied?
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Hey there! That would take the user to the respective object the proof is associated with (project, task, issue). If sometimes that link doesn't appear in the email, it would mean to me that the proof was uploaded in the global Documents area not associated with a project/task or directly in the proof site?
Exact verbiage from this article:
"View details link that takes you to the associated Workfront object (such as a project, task, or issue)"
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oooooh Madalyn you may be onto something here! While my users are uploading to projects or issues directly, I could TOTALLY see it somehow getting disconnected in some way on the backend within Proof HQ??? I'm going to have support see if they can tell if its broken somehow on the backend.
If that doesn't take us anywhere I'll update here with the history of all our tickets and what we have ruled out. Thanks all!
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Ok support confirms that this is not the issue. I'll summarize other things we've looked into below.
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Is it possible for you to give a summary into what you have looked into, and all the questions that support has asked / answered (what has been ruled out) so we don't duplicate effort?
I for one, definitely don't want to waste both our time and put you through the same set of questions again.
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1) First of all I just noticed another user asked a similar question here: https://experienceleaguecommunities.adobe.com/t5/workfront-questions/workfront-proof-how-to-get-quot....
2) I know the issue isn't related to...
- the document location (it is on the project/issue as it should be)
- the reviewer/approver & their permission (we have had it happen to multiple users & have even had multiple proofs on the same project with all the same variables except some emails have the link and some don't)
-we have the settings appropriate so that all persons get "view access" to a document when added to the proofing workflow.
-I've checked to make sure that there aren't duplicate proof user accounts or something- the correct person/email is being assigned to the proof.
We see this behaviour eb & flow. Seems like there are some seasons where it never happens and then some (like recently) where each approver is seeing like 7 per week without the link. We've basically ended every support ticket with "hmm not sure what is going on, send more examples when you see them." We have workarounds, so not the end of the world, its just annoying and confusing! Wish we could get to the bottom of it! I have an open ticket with support so I'll update here with anything relevant, but if your beautiful brains have any ideas let me know. This one is quite the puzzle!
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thanks for your initial information.
1) Your screenshot shows (and you mention your issues are with) proof notification which I'm not as familiar with. But I do assume that there are different types of proof notifications. So with this in mind: were you able to narrow it down to a particular type of notification?
2) were all users able to replicate the issue (if an email is broken and you forward it to me, I also can't click on it, right?)
3) did you check in with your IT team to make sure they aren't stripping links out of your emails?
4) are all the links in the email not working or just the view details?
5) if every approver is seeing 7 a week and support is wanting to see more examples, are you sending them all 7?
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This notification is that a new proof is ready for your review. There is no link- it is just missing entirely! (Should say "view details" where my highlight is below). We've sent support every example we can find, usually once we start a ticket back up the behaviour calms down and we seem to lack further examples (murphy's law lol).
The most interesting example was 1 user uploaded 7 video proofs to 1 project, with the same reviewer/approver. Some of the proof emails had the link... and some didn't!! So strange?!
The IT stripping emails is a great point! I'm not sure we've looked into that yet. I'm emailing them now. Will keep everyone updated. I'm determined to solve this once and for all haha.
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OK my IT says they don't strip links- they just block the whole email if a link looks malicious. So the mystery continues. Great idea though!
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Question 6)
Did Support coach you through looking for the text? Just wondering if maybe the view details link is there but somehow invisible? I receive emails through outlook so the way I would do this is by using the search function in outlook. A set of instructions can be found here: https://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/outlook_com/forum/all/find-text-within-an-email-outlook-365/b403...
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I gave that a try but no dice! "View Details" text doesn't come up anywhere in the email
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Disappointing news here, after spending a while going back and forth with support they are not pursuing a fix of this issue at the time.
The best we could nail down is that randomly the email notification was linking to the proof in proofHQ vs the document on the Workfront project, and when it did there was not a "view details" link back to the project. It seemed that this only happens on upload, and that a workaround is going back to the proof workflow and sending another email notification manually to the reviewer/approver.
But support couldn't successfully/consistently replicate in their environments and say it shouldn't be an issue once they merge proof and Workfront notifications... someday
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