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Was the custom form view taken off of the new app? I can't find it.


Level 2
Was the custom form view taken off of the new app? I can't find it.
12 Replies


Level 7
What do you mean? You can't find Custom Forms under Setup? You can't find it under Project? I can see custom forms everywhere I expect them.


Level 2
Are you in the new Workfront app, not the AtTask app? If I go to a task, I'm working on in the Workfront App, I don't see anywhere where I can view the custom forms. Unless I click "see it in workfront" and then go to the actual site. There used to be a tab in the old app.


Level 7
Wait, are you talking about the mobile app or the Outlook plugin? I didn't see any mention of that so I thought you were referring to the Workfront app run in the browser.


Level 8
I don't see it either. I'm unable to approve projects without the custom data.


Level 7
Agreed. On the new mobile app, I don't see the custom form.


Level 2
Hey all - I can confirm that there is no functionality on the mobile app that supports custom form utilization. I've reached out to the Product Team that heads the mobile app to see if there's any plan to support it going forward, but as it stands, there doesn't appear to be a way to access them. Thanks, Tyler


Level 10
Hi Dustan, We don't have custom data displayed on the mobile app yet, but that's something we have on the roadmap and will be addressing very soon. Thanks for trying the app and shairng your feedback! Cheers, Anna


Level 10
Adding my support for getting custom forms added to the mobile app asap. This is something we were counting on deploying in the next month because it was available in the old mobile app.


Level 10
In addition to seeing the custom data, we also need to be able to update custom field data (as you could do in the old mobile app). This is vital for us....otherwise our users can't close off their tasks via the mobile app.


Level 10
Thanks a lot for all of your feedback! Please make sure to download the latest version of the app, which includes ability to view custom data on projects, tasks, issues and documents and tell me how it helped with your work :)


Level 10
Hi Anna, Thanks for getting the custom fields into the app. This has helped us because now users can see all our custom reporting and sales order related information in the mobile app without needing to login to the main browser interface. i.e. Full transparency....and no excuses! Now we would just like the next step - to be able to update custom fields like we could in the old mobile app :) Regards, David