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Viewing Custom Data within a Team Working On calendar


Level 9
Hi, all. I have a reporting challenge that I'm hoping one of you has confronted in the past. We are rolling out Workfront task management to a new group within our company. They often will assign a specific task to multiple users, thereby dividing the work. (Breaking the task up into multiple tasks, each assigned to a separate user, is a nonstarter for various "corporate culture" reasons.) To manage the traffic and workload, this team wants a report that lists each individual's assigned tasks, grouped by individual. Grouping by "Assigned To" in a traditional report will result in the task being listed ONLY under the primary assignee's name. Instead, they want each user to include the task, if they are on the assigmment list; in other words, a task that is assigned to 3 employees will appear 3 times in the report, once for each of the employees involved. I was stymied on the Reporting side, so I tried playing with the Team Working On calendar (a feature I haven't worked with much up to now). This provides the right "grouping" functionality (each user is listed with all of his/her assigned tasks), but it doesn't provide the data we need; as far as I can tell, only the Project Name and Task Name are available to be displayed here, but we have several custom data fields that we want to be able to view in this context, as well. Is there any way to edit/control what data are displayed within the Team Working On calendar? Conversely, is there some magical Grouping I can use in a traditional Report that will get the team what they need? (Or will I be sent to the dreaded Idea Exchange?) Thanks for whatever insight you may have! Eric Eric Manning Language Line Translation Solutions
4 Replies


Level 7
Have you tried an "Assignment" Report and then grouping by Assigned To and adding in your custom fields in the report? If a task is assigned to multiple people, the Assignment report will list the same task for each person that it is assigned to. Terry Hynd EBSCO Information Services


Level 9
That's great, thanks, Terry. I didn't realize the Assignments report supported that. One other question for the Community. If one or more of the task assignees has clicked "Done with my part" (but NOT marked it complete), I want the report to display that task ONLY for those assignees that still have work to do on the task. Is that possible? I remember reading at some point that the "Done with my part" feature impacts only the individual's task list in Home/My Work--in which case this would be a nonstarter. But maybe there's a clever Text Mode way around this? Thanks again for your attention! ~Eric Eric Manning Language Line Translation Solutions


Level 10
Hi Eric, You can use the Assignment Status in your filter. No need for text mode :) Just use: Assignment Status Not Equal Done Regards, David Cornwell


Level 9
Fabulous, thanks, David. Still learning new things after 10 years with Workfront... ~Eric Eric Manning Language Line Translation Solutions