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Video proofs spin on and off making it nearly impossible to watch.


Level 10

Does anybody else have trouble with video proofs? Worfkfront blames our local wifi, our IT blames Workfront. We all have this problem whether we are in the office or at home and can watch youtube or Vimeo files without any issue, but when the video is in Proof, it never plays all the way through. Any insight into this?


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3 Replies


Level 10

Hi - We haven't had any issues with videos today and I had a demo with someone using a video (and you know everything bad happens during demos) and it worked fine. Does Proof have Clusters? I'm on CL1 if that makes a difference.


Level 10

I'm in CL2. However, this is an ongoing problem, not just today. It's also intermittent and I wonder if it has to do with how many people are reviewing the same video at the same time. There is likely no way to find this out.


Level 3

We had LOTS of issues with this in the beginning, and I was like you, back and forth between Workfront tech and internal tech. I assume you already know Proof works best in Chrome? And you have to have several sites whitelisted for Proof to function. Beyond that, our IT staff apparently has two levels of whitelisting. Since I don't know their terminology, I am just going to say there is a "higher level" of whitelisting (for us anyway) that they referred to as Global whitelisting. Once they added the whitelist globally, our Video proofing issues resolved!! This took weeks of tracking it down, but we now have a solid video viewing proofing system.