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User profile page


Level 7
Is there a way to see a list of projects a person is an owner of or requests that they have made by going to their profile page? They may not have any tasks assigned to them (which is likely the case), so the 'Working On' and 'Work Requests' tabs always come up empty. I tried to create a report/dashboard to add to those tabs, but realized that making a global template for the user profile tabs is not an option. Also, I realized that the report wouldn't be specific to that person unless they are logged in (I used the $$USER.ID wildcard). I am trying to figure out what projects someone may have recently requested or is on without having to create a report. I just want to go to their profile and see what projects they are on (again, they don't have tasks - they have just requested the project and are a project owner). Leah Janz Metro Transit
1 Reply


Level 7
Hi Leah, Short answer is no. You'll still have to create a report, but you can use prompts instead of relying on static filters for the project owner, or for "Project Users" instead. Best of luck! Dustin Martin Assigned Support Engineer Workfront