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Typeahead fields that feed off each other


Level 3
Apologies if this was discussed already. I tried several different searches and could not find it. My scenario: I would like to use the Portfolio and Program typeahead fields, but would like the Program results to change based on the Portfolio chosen. So, if Portfolio A was chosen, when I move to Program I would like it to only show me the Programs that live in Portfolio A. Reason is we have some almost generic programs. Programs that exist in each portfolio to be the catch all for one-off Projects. So that program has a very similar name. Andrea DiMauro-Walton Senior Project Manager - Marketing PMO Epsilon Chicago, IL

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5 Replies


Level 10
That is hard because the info in the Portfolio field isn't committed to the database until it is saved, which isn't helpful because who wants to go back afterwards to edit and add a program. Curious if someone else comes up with an idea. Seems like an excellent use case for the typeahead fields. Anthony Imgrund FCB


Community Advisor
Hi Andrea, That would require some dynamic logic that isn't possible on Portfolio/Program objects. The only approach that comes to mind (and I don't recommend it unless you have very few portfolios/programs) is to create a "Program Typeahead" for each portfolio, then use dynamic display in your form to present the appropriate Program Typeahead based on the portfolio that was selected prior. Good luck! William English T-Mobile
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Level 3
I thought so. I was hopeful because this does work when you are building a new project. If you are building a new project, once you enter the Portfolio, the Program field updates to only show Programs within that Portfolio. I was hoping there was an easy way to do that in a form too. I am not very savvy in text mode editing but hoped there was an answer there somehow. thanks all! Andrea DiMauro-Walton Senior Project Manager - Marketing PMO Epsilon Chicago, IL


Level 10
Sorry @Andrea DiMauro-Walton , but I am also looking similar type of solution. Because it is workable if it shows only relevant programs connected to specific portfolio, not all. Else, there must be some selection criteria while choosing programs as availavle in other field type. It will be great, if other could come up and share possible solution. With regards, Kundan. Kundan Kumar KGON - (Kverneland Group Operations Norway AS)


Level 10
William, Sounds like the same solutions for "cascading fields" or "hierarchal selections" (wish I knew the technical name for these) one has to use for non-typeahead fields. Which is: you have to use the show/hide logic to manually build sub-fields that show for each selection of the field before. It's painful but our users insisted so we have dozens of these. The complication further arises with: Consolidating the values select from, say, 12 possible sub-fields into a single report value. CONCAT helps with this. However, the way show/hide fields work if a user goes down a chain of values and then changes their mind and backs-up through the decision tree and then back down for a new value, the old values in the now hidden part of the tree stay around. This means a messy result from the CONCAT mentioned above. We audit/manually fix these as they come-up. Here are some Idea Exchange submissions related to this that can be upvoted: https://experience.workfront.com/s/idea/0870z000000PSCSAA4/detail https://experience.workfront.com/s/idea/0870z000000PSehAAG/detail Kevin Quosig