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Trying to kickstart issues + the custom forms data


Level 3



We are migrating out requests from SharePoint to Workfront. These requests are Queue Topics with a custom form. We have data from SharePoint of previous requests we would like loaded into Workfront so it populates the issue and forms. I cannot find what Kickstart export and fields align to this. I have exported "Issues" and "Custom" and cannot find any of the values that are entered into those custom forms. Any advice?





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1 채택된 해결책 개


정확한 답변 작성자:
Community Advisor

In my case above this is the user kickstart export so each row is a user.  We only have one custom form we use for all users which is that 611.... number under the CategoryID.  The CategoryID is the custom form we need to add to each user when we upload them.  So I went under System->Import Kickstart->User and then downloaded that spreadsheet.  Then filled out data under the fields I needed populated, like the custom form info I noted.  Hope this provides a bit more clarity for you.

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4 답변 개


Level 2

Hi John,

To clarify, is the question how to use custom fields in a Kickstart?

If so, then I would suggest adding that custom field to a report, capturing the true field name (i.e. querysort=DE:QuadEmployeeID).  So in this case you'd use "setDE:QuadEmployeeID" in the column header and then populate the remainder of the column with the corresponding field options.  What I can't recall is whether or not you need { } around the custom field name or not, so maybe try one way then another.    

Hope that helps.



Community Advisor


Here's an example I had using the User kickstart template when we needed to add some users.  We have a custom form we needed to attach to each user profile with some custom fields we needed to have filled out.  You need to have the ID of your custom form under the setCategoryID and you can simply add your custom field names at the end of the column with the answer data you need.  See the attached pic.





Level 3

Thanks @Kurt_Jones . I am assuming each row represents a form. How did you then connect each row to a specific user profile? I think I can do what you did above. I also can create the individual issues but how do I tie them together in the Kickstarter?


Thanks again and happy new year!


정확한 답변 작성자:
Community Advisor

In my case above this is the user kickstart export so each row is a user.  We only have one custom form we use for all users which is that 611.... number under the CategoryID.  The CategoryID is the custom form we need to add to each user when we upload them.  So I went under System->Import Kickstart->User and then downloaded that spreadsheet.  Then filled out data under the fields I needed populated, like the custom form info I noted.  Hope this provides a bit more clarity for you.