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Timeline notifications


Level 2
Is there a way to notify a user on a project that a task due date has changed on the project (even if they are not assigned to that task?). We have project participants that are not necessarily "project owners", but still need to know if there have been any shifts to the overall timeline (even in the event that the project completion date remains the same). I am looking for a way to create a custom notification/report that shows these changes, or at the very least calls out the projects in which the timeline has changed. Has anyone come across this before? Thank you!

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9 Replies


Level 10
Hi Sara. For such situations, I typically create a report that shows the condition of interest (e.g. in your case, perhaps a Sorted View of Project Owner, Project Name, Task Name, Planned Completion Date, Projected Compltion Date, filtered "Tasks of interest whose Last Update Date is within the past 24 hours and whose Projected Completion Date is now later that its Planned Completion Date"), and then schedule it to run each day (say at 8am) and distribute it to the user(s) who need to know -- sometimes even including adding a forwarding rule within the mail program to forward it to external stakeholders. Regards, Doug


Level 2
Hi Doug, Thank you for your quick response. I really like your idea. How do you express projected completion date > planned completion date in filters? To reiterate the problem, I am trying to express a way to report on tasks only if the Planned Completion Date changes. Do you think this would satisfy this? I'm worried that if I use the Projectected Completion Date, it will only show all tasks that could be late (i.e. tasks whos planned completion date will likely need to change), but not exactly the tasks whos planned completion date could have already changed (within the last day or week -- whatever time interval we decide on). Thank you!!


Level 10
Hi Sara. You can filter on Tasks where the Planned Completion Date is less than the Projected Completion Date (in other words, "it's starting to slip") in a filter using a special keyword called FIELD like this: plannedCompletionDate= FIELD: projectedCompletionDate plannedCompletionDate_Mod=lt My initial idea was that when you set a planned completion date (or drive it via a planned start date and a duration), that the projected end date would be equal. Over time, as a project tends to hit delays and the projected completion dates "stretch" you could use the filter above to detect those tasks that have slipped and were edited within the last 24 hours. Given your latest post, though, I now see that you're trying to find where the Planned Completion Date has changed; similar, but different. If the "normal behavior" results in the Projected Completion Date being equal to the Planned Completion Date (when the latter is changed), perhaps you could use: planned CompletionDate= FIELD : projectedCompletionDate plannedCompletionDate_Mod= eq and (optionally) add the "within the past 24 hours" to the filter as well, but it seems a bit loose to me; and where reports are unreliable, people will not rely on them (hence the name, I guess). Instead, I'd suggest you consider a Baseline Task Report, which would allow you to compare What Was the Planned Completion Date (in the Baseline Task) against What Is the Planned Completion Date (in the always-current Task). You can create the baselines manually to test out the theory, and if you love it, automate the creation of Baselines (e.g. "take a Baseline any time the Planned Completion Date changes"...assuming we could noodle a filter out that would detect that), using our schedulable Create Baseline AtApp. Regards, Doug


Level 10
Hi: WorkFront tech support sent a link to a service that allows you to create videos of stuff you do in WorkFront. I am using it to document every defect and sending a link to that video with the ticket I open. Hey, I thought for giggles, I’d show how to do what Doug is suggesting early in his latest message in this thread. Hope it helps. Look at this: https://ilos.video/hKS7aK Thanks, Eric


Level 10
Very Nice, Eric: watching you interpret my instructions was like time-delayed telepathy! We work well together! I use JING myself for such quick videos; free, fast, and fun, but on my PC, it outputs to flash, which is old school and not viewable on Macs or iPhones. Boo. May I suggest you start a new thread, cite this thread/video, reveal your new tool of choice, and ask for everyone's Go-To screen capture options? Regards, Doug


Level 10
Thank you, Doug! I've been trying to figure out who to compare fields to each other in a filter! I actaully had on my to-do's to post to the community and ask! Thank you! :)


Level 10
Hi: It isn’t MY tool, it is the tool WorkFront Tech Support sent me to use. It makes it much easier for them if they can see what I’m doing and they can see the error pop up. I used to use PSR (it comes with every Windows PC). It doesn’t produce a video, but it does produce a step by step sequence of instructions. I turned on PSR and started typing into this email. I’ll attach the file it produces. I do like the idea of finding out what others are using…let’s do it. Eric


Level 10
My pleasure, Anthony. I parlayed this thread and spawned the #AdvancedStuff concept. Regards, Doug


Level 7
As far as recording, for simple stuff, I use SnagIt. If I want to do more elaborate stuff, I use Camtasia.