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Timeline auto-recalculations


Level 1
Hi Everyone, New to the community. I wanted to ask the group if it was possible for a task duration to automatically decrease if the user completes the task early? By doing so the next task can start earlier without updating the duration of task 1. For example Task 1 is a two day task which is completed in one day. Would it be possible for the timeline to auto recalculate so Task 2 is now schedule to stay on day 2 without duration of task 1? Task 2's predecessor is task one. Thank you in advance Annmarie Annmarie LoGiudice WebMD
3 Replies


Level 8
Workfront has (at least) three durations and hours for each task. Planned is what the project owner (or someone with permissions) typed into the task list. For duration and dates, they'll enter two of start, duration and end and the third will be calculated. For effort they should just type it in. Actual is usually gathered through timesheets, but can be edited directly by the project owner Projected is what you are talking about - if Task B was only waiting for task A, and Task A finishes early, Task B should be projected to both start and end early with the same duration. A lot of views like calendars and gantt charts etc give you the option to choose either (or both) planned / projected. By comparing planned to projected, you can both track the original plan and reality at the same time. Barry Buchanan - WMA Work Management Australia


Level 10
@Doug Den Hoed - AtAppStore has something that would work well for this. -skye


Level 10
Thanks @Skye Hansen -- good memory! @Annmarie LoGiudice , I invite you to read our "https://store.atappstore.com/as-soon-as-impossible/" As Soon As Impossible blog post to confirm the theory, and then consider using our "https://www.atappstore.com/App/expedite-tasks/Default.aspx" Expedite Task solution to increase your execution velocity. Regards, Doug Doug Den Hoed - AtAppStore