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Tie the original issue to the resolution of the project. WHY?


Level 8
Hi everyone! All of the system admins on my team are having a hard time with the way our projects are tied to the original issue and not to mention, our queue is a mess that needs some major re-configuring and re-organization. As my manager put it, all the furniture is there, but it's definately not in the right place. We can't solve it all right now, but one thing I would like to do is remove the option of tying the original issue to the resolution of the project and the same thing for issues to tasks. Our requesters don't know where to look and they are constantly posting documents and updates in the original issue and not that project. Note - it's fine for them to do this if the issue hasn't been converted, but once it has, the two don't speak to eachother. I would like to solve for this and I'm wondering if anyone knows the best way. The downside is, we won't have the ability to search for all submitted issues anymore, seeing as it merges into the project / task. How can we work around this? Is there a report that can be pulled on "requests" or something else? I also want to make sure that people still recieve the correct notification, so they know there request is active. I found some notifications, but some of the wording doesn't apply. The attached is the one I would like to use, but our requesters don't have plan licenses, so they don't have a my work page. Is there a way to edit the wording here so it's applicable to them? We have about 25 frequent requesters and about 60-80 users in our MarCom group that submit requests to us from time to time. I want to give them the information that will help them the most. It's fine if we as admins have to do a little extra work, but being able to easily navigate their projects / tasks is so important and they are always telling us, they don't know where to look. We've confirmed this is becuase of the open issue tied to the project. The notifications communicating these projects / tasks should also have information that applies to them. Let me know if anyone has any thoughts, suggestions, questions, ect.

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3 Replies


Level 10
Hi: In Setup, under Project Preferences, Tasks and Issues, look for this: Uncheck the option “Keep the original issue and tie its resolution to the task/project”. That will ensure there is no connection kept between the issue and the resolving object. I’d also uncheck the “Automatically set issue statuses to match…” See if that works! Eric [cid:image001.jpg@01D1F7B9.FDEB1EF0]


Level 8
Thanks! I know how to do it, I just don’t want to lose visibility into the # of requests (aka issues) submitted if we were to pull a report. Seems like the issue is lost completely if you uncheck that option.


Level 10
I would create a "Requestor" layout template and ensure that it had a custom tab (in the projects or requests area) linking to a "Requestor Command Center" dashboard. On this dashboard, I would have an issue report where the "Resolving Project Name" is the primar (first) column and the issue name is towards the right. I would even add a rule highighting the project name in green to make it stand out. Then you can educate the requestor to always go to this page. Then I would educate your requestors to use this dashboard, and to always navigate to the project on the left instead of the issue on the right. This would hopefully help your users, and would also allow you to keep the link between issue and resolving object intact. I wouldn't break these links unless completely necessary.