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Text mode to give duration between Issue entry date and task completion


Level 3

Hi Community

I am struggling with Text mode again despite reading text mode for beginners


I have a task report that shows for our partner integration builds the, Requests/issue - entry date (Hit the inbox on:) task name = Complete - Go Live > Completed on - actual completion date (Completed on:)

Am trying to add a column to the report that shows me in days the duration between, Hit the box on: and Completed on

Everything i have tried in text mode leaves the report column blank


Any thoughts how to look up the issue entry date to the task completion date to see how long we have taken workfront gives me actual duration but thats project conversion to project completion

4 Replies


Level 3

Hi Ian, 


If I understand correctly, you have Requests that are converted to Tasks, and you want to see the total time from the date the Request was Submitted and the Completion Date of the Task. Correct?


If that's the case, you will want to create a Request Report and create a text mode expression for entryDate to actualCompletionDate. It would like this:





There is one thing you'll want to make sure happens when converting to a task. You want to make sure this is checked " Keep the original request and tie its resolution to this task" at the bottom the convert panel. What this does is mark the request complete when the task is complete. There by getting the Actual Completion Date. 


Hopefully this is helpful. 




Level 3

Hi Joaquin

So its a request we convert to a project and in that project i have a  task that contains > Complete - Go Live so when 100% it reports a partner is now live on our system, there is a following task called 5 days check, where my team ensure the partner tracking etc is solid, When this task is marked complete it auto closes the project


Hope that makes sense
Though using what you have shared at least some are showing one correct 12 working days, one looks incorrect 2 days and two at 0 though that may be it needs 2 decimal places to show


added as this



Level 3

Hi Ian, 


Looks like you have some conflicts in your text mode. Trying slimming it down to just these three lines:






See if this helps. If not, I may need to see your report. 




Level 3

Hi Joaquin

Ok added as that but am still seeing some 0 and one that hasn't calculated as expected


report is filtered as the below