I've had the idea of a Workfront Admin/Text field cookbook for a long time.
Note that I don't work for Workfront/Adobe so this would be more of a Hacker's Guide to Workfront than the Authorized Guidebook
I just commented about this in an Ask the Expert call and there was a lot of support.
So what is your wishlist of what would go into this?
Note that this does exist:
Workfront Object Model:
How is Workfront structured and how to think through the object model and make the most of the API explorer
What are the central objects in Workfront
What are references
What are collections
Workfront API:
Writing a basic query, expanding on the basics
Using Postman
Workfront Fusion:
What is it?
How does it fit into the Integrations As A Service Landscape
Importing/Exporting Blueprints
Reading Fusion Scenarios in a Json Viewer/Integrated Development Environments
Calculations in Fields vs Reports
What functions are available
How do they work
Comparison to Excel Functions
Textmode Primer
Format Types
Textmode Depths
Textmode Variants
The five text modes: filters, views, grouping, fields, aggregations
Matrix Reports
What are they good for?
How can you use them
Manipulating Workfront Data in Excel
The missing reporting elements
Exporting Workfront Data to BI Systems
What to think about
Time series vs Snapshot Data
I think a lot of the text mode talk is folks giving other folks some fish… instead of teaching them how to fish. I would like to see more of a syntax guide along with all the "gotchas". There is a plethora of examples out there, no need for more.
API calls and the syntax behind them would be great too.
Not only would I be willing to contribute, I would also buy one!
Hi there, so like a text mode cheat sheet? I do like the cookbook style that shows screenshots and use case. I actually have a running list of text mode bits that I’ve added to on my own over past couple years, happy to share it for ideas on nuggets to include…
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This would be so helpful! Love this idea!
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