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Tasks View: Possible to display editable fields with a conditional statement?


Level 2

I have a task view that I am trying to create. I want to create a column called "Effort" that shows Duration if it is a child task (numberOfChildren = 0) and the Planned Hours if it is a parent task (numberOfChildren > 0) in the same column.

The reason is that the Calculated Work setting only allows me to edit Duration, not Planned Hours, but I want the aggregation of Panned Hours on parent tasks rather than Duration's aggregation. I will be entering Duration in hours (e.g., 2 hours) rather than days, so Duration and Planned Hours effectively match (assuming a single assignee), but their aggregations are different in the parent tasks. I need to be able to edit the field (so it must be Duration), but I prefer the aggregation of Planned Hours in order to avoid confusion.

This is easy enough to build with a calculated field. But the requirement is that I need this field to be editable on child tasks (i.e., the Duration can be edited through this field).

I know that calculated fields cannot be edited. But, for those challenge-seekers out there, is there a creative way to do this with sharecol or some other creative method?


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