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Tasks Shown in Project Report


Level 2
Hi All, As I'm getting more involved in creating custom reports based on team needs, I have a status report that is based on a Project Report standard. I have then customized this to show certain project tasks using IF(CONTAINS). I've specifically used the IF(CONTAINS) to query against specific client review tasks to help create a client-facing report for our Account team. To add in all the specific client review tasks, I've created separate columns and then use the sharecol to merge into a single column. It would be good to know if I could use the IF(CONTAINS) to include multiple query strings. When I tried adding multiple IF(CONTAINS) it is checking the formula to see if both IF(CONTAINS) are true. My original formula is below: valueexpression=IF(ISBLANK({actualCompletionDate}),IF({numberOfChildren}=0,IF(CONTAINS("Submit for PRC",{name}),CONCAT({plannedCompletionDate},": (",{name},") ")))) My multiple string formula is below: valueexpression=IF(ISBLANK({actualCompletionDate}),IF({numberOfChildren}=0,IF(CONTAINS("Submit for PRC",{name}),IF(CONTAINS("Submit for Regulatory",{name})CONCAT({plannedCompletionDate},": (",{name},") "))))) Ultimately, I would like to know if Workfront can have an OR statement in the IF(CONTAINS) statement such that I can add a task called "Submit for PRC" and "Submit Regulatory" within a single column as opposed to creating multiple columns and merging via sharecol. Matt Harabin McCann Managed Markets McCann Health

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3 Replies


Hey Matt, I would try this: displayname=Submit for PRC or Regulatory listdelimiter=
listmethod=nested(tasks).lists textmode=true type=iterate valueexpression=IF(ISBLANK({actualCompletionDate}),IF({numberOfChildren}=0,IF(CONTAINS(" Submit for PRC ",{name}),CONCAT({plannedCompletionDate}," - ",{name}),IF(CONTAINS(" Submit for Regulatory ",{name}),CONCAT({plannedCompletionDate}," - ",{name}))))) valueformat=HTML Good luck! Sarah Nau Dominium


Level 10
Hi Matt, Sarah's code should work for you. There isn't such thing as an OR for IF statements but you can combine various IF statements to get what you'd like. Remember, and IF statements is (Condition,True Response,False Response). So if you want an OR statement, you want to put the additional IF statement in the False Response area (i.e. Condition, True Response, New IF statement). If you want an AND statement, you want to the additional IF statement in the True Response area (i.e. Condition, New IF Statement, False Response). I have some that are like 50 deep! HAHAHAHA! My trick is to write out all the the IF statements one by one and then, working backwards, combine them. (My example is that if A equals B or C it is Awesome and if it equals D, it is Only Okay.) First Write Out: IF(A=B,"Awesome","") IF(A=C,"Awesome","") IF(A=D,"Only Okay","") And then becomes: IF(A=B,"Awesome","") IF(A=C,"Awesome",IF(A=D,"Only Okay","")) And then finally: IF(A=B,"Awesome",IF(A=C,"Awesome",IF(A=D,"Only Okay",""))) Anthony Imgrund FCB


Level 2
Thanks Sarah and Anthony. The code works well, and Anthony your explanation definitely helps me understand better what I'm trying to accomplish. I'll definitely be saving this in my OneNote for posterity's sake. Matt Harabin McCann Managed Markets McCann Health