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Tasks Late/Incomplete vs. Total Tasks Assigned


Level 9
Good morning WF geniuses, I'm trying to setup a report that shows tasks that a user is assigned to that are late (either alone, or part of multiple people) that are not yet complete. I'd like to show this against the total tasks assigned to them. So for example, if Gina is showing she has 30 tasks late that are incomplete it seems alot. However, if its 30 out of 300 total tasks it's a different perspective as it's only 10%. Ultimately I'm trying to chart that 10%/90% in a visual way for management. I thought the assignment report might be the best route, however, I'm at a loss how to summarize the total vs. incomplete that are late. Anyone have something similar? Thanks in advance! Christina
5 Replies


Level 10
I wouldn't know how to do this without a calculated field. Personally I would just put a field on the task that indicates if something is late/not late (maybe use planned completion date < $$TODAY, if you're specifically charting all incomplete tasks and looking for which ones are late vs on time, so if you filter out the complete tasks you'll be fine with that simple calc). -skye


Community Advisor
Hi Christina, I'd suggest an Assignments Matrix report, prompted by Assigned to User, filtered for Tasks without Actual Completion Dates, grouped Horizontally by Person, and vertically by Planned Completion Date (e.g. By Month, or whatever seems best in your case), and then by Task Condition beneath that. Although it won't do the % calculation you're after, it will at least show the raw numbers -- and (bonus) you could also chart this information, so that (for example) you could see "for Doug, by Planned Completion Month, how many Tasks are still open, with a bar (either stacked, or beside each other) that indicates how many of each are On Time, At Risk, Behind, or (yep) Late". Regards, Doug Doug Den Hoed - AtAppStore


Level 9
Hmm I never thought of using a calculated field - would that be something I'd add onto a user custom field? Something like task status of active for $USERID? Could I create two calculated fields, and then maybe a third that was calculated field A divided by Calculated field b? I may be over thinking this. Ideally I'd like to be able to show, if not in graphically maybe like Doug said a comparison to get to that ratio number. Wow thanks Doug! We're not there yet to see such a micro view (i.e. by month) but looking for a total view of total incomplete vs. total total assigned. It's also a challenge since I don't think we can feel the 'task condition' is accurate at the moment. I'm curious though based on your second paragraph how I can chart that not at task condition but task status. Hmm...I'm not there yet with your expertise or Skye's but I love the ideas you have....touche Obi-Won Kenobe!


Level 10
hi Christina, no -- that would be placed on every task. Doug's is really the easier solution--if you're not feeling up to a micro view, you would simply do the assignment report and filter by your incomplete tasks, and then group by user and then task progress status. I totally feel you though, I don't have very much use for anything other than the Late label (the other labels are all looking at dates that we don't follow. We don't use projected dates, so for example, Workfront keying "On Time" off a comparison to projected dates is not useful to us. There are teams in the company who were not trained to kick their tasks into gear by any combination of "work on it" button and "changing the task status" or "updating percent complete"... not saying this is right or wrong, since it is very workflow and user dependent: but it means our projected dates are always unreliable.). But if you can get your folks to realize that they can ignore the other labels and just interpret the chart as late vs not late, then Doug's is the easy fix. The only thing my custom field solution would do is specifically identify the late tasks and then plot those against anything not late--but it would have to be placed on every task, which is only possible by putting it on all your template tasks and in the project as a default task custom form. -skye


Level 9
To follow-up on this, we wound up looking all tasks assigned, that already has a handoff date, by complete/in progress/new. In theory, items that are not 'in progress' and rather set as 'new' when they have a handoff already would indicate its not yet completed. However, we're running into a question - would 'work on it' be a better thing to bump up against than 'in progress'? I dont think either will update as a result of logged time. Right now our staff just starts working on something - and when they're done, mark it complete.