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Task Kickstart predecessors


Level 2

I'm trying to import tasks and can't get the predecessors to populate.  I have the setWbs, setIndent, setNumberOfChildren in the template, but the column setPredecessorString throws an error.  I have it formatted to text with task numbers where needed, but I get the 'predecessorID cannot be null' error.  And the indent doesn't work.  I am clearly missing something, would love some help!  

8 Replies


Community Advisor

I'm not entirely sure what you're trying to do. Assuming you're working with a kickstart file, uploading your kickstart would possibly give us a clue?


I'm also uploading a sample kickstart so you can see some of what I do (this kickstart relates to uploading a sample template and template tasks but I imagine it's not too different to uploading a task to project)


Level 2

I want to load projects in bulk for next year.  I have a template that sets up Programs and one that sets up projects.  Those seem to work.  And yes, I do have 1 template that I am using on all the projects, that brings in the custom forms, etc.  Now I'm trying to load the Tasks to the projects.  There are 5 rows / tasks for each marketing contact: row 1 is the header, rows 2,3,4,5 are indented, and row 5 has predecessor = row 2 & row 4 has predecessor = row 3.  Each project will have 10 - 20 of these task groups.  I exported a task kickstart file and am using that as my base.  I can get things to load (tasks, durations, dates) but have been unable to get the indent & predecessors to load.  I'll attach my file.   


Community Advisor

An initial very quick look at your spreadsheet is showing me that your column B is blank -- the ID column. This is the column that the rest of your spreadsheet refers to. When you set a predecessor string of "3", it goes to the ID column to see which task you have labeled as 3. Not saying that this is your end problem, but this would be one of your problems.


Level 2

So I have to load the Tasks first & then go back to set the predecessors?  I thought I couldn't use a kickstart to update an existing row?  sigh. 


Community Advisor

no, you have to "identify" the task first, before you can set a predecessor. Give each task an ID -- it can be anything. Look at my excel -- I just called them 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. Then when I set a predecessor I call it using the ID I gave it.


Level 2

Excellent - that worked great!  thank you.  It feels greedy, but if you have a suggestion on the Indent, I'd be appreciative.  


Community Advisor

I haven't really looked into it but you have a blank column BK (setParentID) you could experiment with. Again, the "ID" you are populating this with is whatever your parent ID (column B) is. 


You literally can use any string as an identifier as long as it's unique. I previously used 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, but there's no reason you can't use John, Paul, George, Ringo, and FifthBeatle. Just anywhere in any other column that called to an "ID" you would want to use the ID you gave it.


Level 2

It worked!!  Thank you - Thank you !