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Sub-projects or linked projects


Level 10

Hi WF Community,

Does anyone know if there's a way to create a sub project within a project, and if not, a way to link projects together?




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1 Accepted Solution


Correct answer by

@Nick Valeriote‚

Chris' response is spot on. You can also use custom data (Custom Forms) to tag projects and report on those much like you can using the program approach Chris described above. Also, if you haven't seen this yet, Parent/Child Projects was on our most recent leaderboard and voted up by the community as a top idea (#3 on the board). We're in the process right now of finalizing results and will announce next steps/future plans in the next few weeks.

View solution in original post

4 Replies


Level 4

I don't believe sub projects are possible. You could use a program to group together projects though.

As far as linking projects together, there's cross-project predecessors. So if Project A has to finish before Project B starts, set the the last task of Project A as a predecessor to the first task in Project B.


Correct answer by

@Nick Valeriote‚

Chris' response is spot on. You can also use custom data (Custom Forms) to tag projects and report on those much like you can using the program approach Chris described above. Also, if you haven't seen this yet, Parent/Child Projects was on our most recent leaderboard and voted up by the community as a top idea (#3 on the board). We're in the process right now of finalizing results and will announce next steps/future plans in the next few weeks.


Level 10

Thanks, guys! This is the alternative direction I was thinking. Glad to know there's currently nothing out of the box, but that there's potential for it in the future. I'll go upvote.