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Status Update does not display in View


Level 2
Hi. Does anyone know why my latest update wouldn't display in my view? I am using the same view for two different projects. I am in Requests, viewing the Requests on the Project. On one project the most recent update appears correctly in the view. I go to the other project, look at the Requests, same view - the updates aren't displayed. I tried adding new updates, refreshing the view - nothing changes. Within one project - same issue. Update shows for one request but not the other. Clearly I am missing something. Thanks in advance for the help. Stephanie Stephanie Brown NXT Capital
8 Replies


Level 10
Hi Stephanie, What type of report is this? I'm thinking it's a project report and you're expecting to see an update that was posted to an issue within the project on this report. If so, I have an alternative for you. Narayan Narayan Raum Workfront Delivery Lead - SunTrust Bank https://workfrontpro.com/ for Text Mode & More


Level 2
Hi Narayan. Thanks for the help. It's not a report. I am in the Project in the Requests tab. This is a custom view I created. The field is Request > Status Update. I would think that maybe it's the incorrect field - but it does work - just not consistantly. I'm trying to figure out a pattern for when it works and when it doesn't but I can't figure it out. Stephanie Brown NXT Capital


Level 10
Hi Stephanie, Narayan might be on to something. If you're looking at Requests Status Updates. In the objects where the Updates are missing, are those objects Tasks or Project updates?


Level 8
Hi Stephanie, try using the field Last Note -> Note Text That's what I use to see the latest comment on an issue/project. Adina Adina Pierce Cisco


Level 10
I'm not sure what that field does or how it works. As Adina suggested, I'd use the last note > note text field. If you switch to text mode and use the text here, you'll get a nice output of the note with their name and the date. https://wf-pro.com/text-mode-views/#latest-update


Level 2
Thank you Adina. That worked! I still can't figure out why that other field is populated for some Requests and not others - but clearly this is a better field to use going forward. Thanks again. Stephanie Brown NXT Capital


Level 10
If you switch to text mode and use the text here, you'll get a nice output of the note with the owner's name and the date. "https://wf-pro.com/text-mode-views/#latest-update">https:// wf-pro .com/text-mode-views/#latest-update Narayan Raum Workfront Delivery Lead - SunTrust Bank https://workfrontpro.com for Text Mode & More


Level 10
Hi - I run into this issue quite a bit. The Status Update is the last update that the issue owner (in your case) created. So my guess is that Stephanie is not the issue owner of this particular issue. This is good if you have a client report and you only want an "official" update to show. (We use this mostly on Project reports). As mentioned by Adina, we usually just use the Last Note field as that is the last thing any one has posted and is great for internal reports. Anthony Imgrund FCB