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SSO Manager Hierarchy from Active Directory


Level 1
We implemented SSO in our environment and wish to map the Manager field in AD to the Manager field in WorkFront. We also want to keep it up to date as things change within the organization. We were told this could be automatic when we purchased WorkFront. When we tried to make it happen, we've run into trouble. The WorkFront SSO Support person we got on a ticket told us we need to build a very complex set of rules in WorkFront where we'd be managing all the supervisor changes within the organization manually (see attached). We have 53 managers/supervisors! Even if WorkFront will allow us to write that many if statements in a single rule, the manual maintenance of that list would be unsustainable. Has anyone had success with automating this in a more hands off (automated) way? We appreciate any ideas or assistance. - Donna Donna Liotta National Safety Council
2 Replies


Level 4
my company is new with Workfront and we run into the same issue you did. Were you able to find a solution and would you please share? Thanks! Michelle Speck Royal Neighbors of America


Level 5
We are aware of the limitations in our current advanced SSO mappings. As part of a larger initiative around enhanced authentication, we are working on improving the communication between Identity Providers and Workfront. Melinda Layten Technical Project Manager - API and Integration Workfront