Hi Kevin, Hmm. Having reinstated my Global Discussion Real Time Alerts after a brief hiatus, this is turning into a bit of a Misery Loves Company morning for me, but so be it... Yes, to confirm, in .NET (et al), the best we've been able to pull back through .NET from the API are very generic errors, making it VERY tough to gracefully recover in certain situations. It has ever been thus, and we've had many discussions with Workfront over the years (we started at v2.0; now v10.0+) seeking to improve the granularity (e.g. more like Postman reports) and consistency (e.g. sometimes we get HTML back, vs a REST response). One very common usecase that causes grief is: given a DE:CustomParm, should it be renamed (e.g. to DE:SameParmNewName) or deleted, a previously working request for DE:CustomerParm errors out in a way that is impossible to Catch, leading to immediate failure and outages. We mitigate that risk using education and limited security access to make such change/deletions, but it still happens. Earlier this week, in fact, we spec'd out a new approach to insulate us from this risk, which -- although expensive do develop -- we've decided to invest in, as more and more clients rely on our "https://store.atappstore.com/" solutions . Once that's in place, we'll have worked around this particular usecase, but would of course still appreciate any broader plumbing improvements Workfront can provide to the API error handling. So: in short, no joy yet, but hope springs eternal. Regards, Doug Doug Den Hoed - AtAppStore [Company] doug.denhoed@gmail.com