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Soliciting Peer Tips on Enterprise Level Perks?


Level 1
I'm a broke loser looking to learn more... 

Hello World,

Has anyone been successful in leveraging the transition from a (formerly) small to mid-size co. B2B license into more opportunities to obtain higher level, more customized training offerings (at free or more reduced price) after they were acquired by a large Corporate overlord with the resources to move more of their subsidiaries onto a comprehensive Enterprise level account? 

I would like some market intelligence either way, so that I can see if I can create some future opportunities to get into instructor led or certified courses.  Any advice or tips would be appreciated! 

We recently had a small billing error due to the large migration to enterprise and I would even wonder if I could score some free education in lieu of a "credit back" to the finance department since I've never been trained in Workfront and sometimes break it attempting to do simple stuff as a back-up admin when the real admin is OOTO. 


p.s. Here's a cute cat video incase it increases my views. 


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1 Reply


Community Advisor

Its_Meow, not exactly sure what you're asking, however, if you'd like some good training resources to better understand Workfront and how it can support you and your orgs (however confusing they might be) here are great places to start:



I hope these resources can provide you a bit of market intelligence to allow you to make any necessary decisions.