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Multiple Dropdown Columns on Report


Level 2

Hi.  I have a custom form with 2 dropdown menus (Test Area & Test A, B, or C) & display logic.  The second dropdown (Test A, B, or C) that appears is based off the user's selection from the first (Test Area).  For example, if Area B is selected in the first dropdown then a second dropdown (Test B) will appear with selections B1 or B2.  I created a calculated field with the logic below on my custom form to display a field on my custom form to show the letter of the area selected for reporting purposes; however, on a report it just appears as text.


IF({DE:Test Area}="Area A",{DE:Test A},
IF({DE:Test Area}="Area B",{DE:Test B},
IF({DE:Test Area}="Area C",{DE:Test C})))

I want to create a report that shows both of the columns, but also gives the user the ability to change the Test column based off the Test Area that was selected.  Is this possible in a report?  Thanks!
1 Reply


Community Advisor

No. Just create a report that has all 3 test columns, and put in some formatting that will make the relevant one light up (i.e. format the cell background for column "test B" to be green if test area was set to area B)