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Show only Month and Year from a custom date field


Level 1
I have a custom date field and only want to show the Month and Year on the report --- I used the following valueformat=customDateAsMonthString but does not work. Is this possible? Thanks! Julie Vargo The Ohio State University

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3 Replies


Level 10
I would just reformat the date to get month and year. valueexpression=CONCAT(MONTH({DE:date}),YEAR({DE:date})) valueformat=HTML Polly Co


Level 10
You will have to reformat it. The following is the text mode code that I use in my Hours report to format the Hour:Entry Date field to appear as MM-CCYY. You can change the expression to format the date to suite your needs. displayname=Hour Month/Year linkedname=direct namekey=entryDate querysort=entryDate textmode=true valueexpression=CONCAT(MONTH({entryDate}),"-",YEAR({entryDate})) valueformat=HTML Admin Kelly-Wehrmann SSFCU


Level 1
Thank you it worked! Julie Vargo The Ohio State University