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Shortcut behavior change with bulleted items


Level 3
My subject for this thread is oddly specific while remaining vague, but here's what I've noticed as of late: When I'm adding an update in WF, if I have information that's bulleted and I try to use 'Ctrl+B', 'Ctrl+U', or 'Ctrl+I', the system now removes the bullet formatting (essentially removing the bullet and indent) and does not make the selected word(s) bold, underlined, or italicized. If I click the B, U, or I, it works just fine, but that's a pain and it just slows me down. If the copy isn't bulleted, the shortcuts still function correctly. Has anyone else noticed this? I'd REALLY like for this to be reversed. It only started happening within the last month. For information's sake, I'm operating in Chrome on a Mac. Brandon Hamm Bravo Group
12 Replies


Level 10
did you submit a ticket on this, Brandon? -skye


Level 3
No, I didn't take the time to do that just yet. I wanted to see if anyone else was having the same issue -- figured I'd give it 24 hours to see what others saw. If no one mentions anything before the morning, I'll submit a ticket then. Brandon Hamm Bravo Group


Level 10
I can replicate this in my system -- if you submit a ticket, I'm happy to reference it in my ticket. -skye


Level 2
I just checked and I'm not having that problem. I would submit a ticket. Peggy Stanton College of IST PeggyStantonCollege of ISTpstanton@ist.psu.edu


Level 3
Thanks for the feedback, both of you! I've submitted a ticket and they're working on it. Just as a point of clarity, Peggy, are you running Chrome on a Mac? Not sure if it's a Chrome or platform issue, or if it's a Command+B, etc. issue. I said 'Ctrl' in my original message, but 'Control' on a Mac functions differently than on PC. Curious to hear what you have to say. PS. I thought I already posted this message...so if you happen to get this twice, I'm sorry! Brandon Hamm Bravo Group


Level 2
I am using Chrome. Thank You, Peggy Stanton Events Coordinator Penn State University | College of Information Sciences & Technology E134 Westgate Building | University Park, PA 16802 | ( : 814-865-6170| * pstanton@ist.psu.edu


Level 2
Chrome on PC Not a MAC Thank You, Peggy Stanton Events Coordinator Penn State University | College of Information Sciences & Technology E134 Westgate Building | University Park, PA 16802 | ( : 814-865-6170| * pstanton@ist.psu.edu


Level 3
Hmm...I wonder if it's a Mac issue then. @Skye Hansen , what do you work on? Brandon Hamm Bravo Group


Level 10
PC + Chrome. Hit the bullets or numbers button to create a bullet or number, and then ctrl B to remove it. Let me know your ticket number if you want me to reference it on a separate ticket, I've already submitted 4 today, so I'm sure they're staffing up just for me :) . -skye


Level 3
Haha, I love it. Well, it's Case Number 00151072. They've put a Tier 2 engineer on it, and apparently it's already been flagged, but it's been deemed a 'low' priority. I'll work around it for now. I'm the only one in my organization who has noticed...and probably the only one who will EVER notice it, but that's enough, right? :) Thanks for referencing, should you choose to submit another ticket! Brandon Hamm Bravo Group


Level 10
we keyboard-shortcutters need to stick together! -skye


Level 3
Absolutely, Skye, there's no doubt about that :) Brandon Hamm Bravo Group