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Resource Pool Question


Level 2
HI - I'm trying to figure out how to use the new Resource Planning tool so am looking for suggestions: We have Multiple funding sources - Capital/Operating/New Implementations/Other. We have 650 users. The budgets are by FTE by role. We have 50 teams and each has 4-7 roles. A person with the correct skills can do work allocated to any funding source. We map the actual hours to the Funding Source at the project level. I would like to set up the operating budget to have the number of resources available for the year and then have new projects subtract from that availability during the annual FY Planning activity so we can commit to a certain number of activities. (I think the Legacy Resource Planner does this.) The new Implementations are individually funded and come with a specific budget with a specific number of resources. My initial thought was to create a resource pool for each funding source and set up the roles and people in each budget. What I'm finding though is that if I put in a role - Team 1 Application Coordinator - I can set the budget to 6 but the Available is still showing the entire team (18). The "Available" needs to be only those resources (or percent of resources) that are associated with that budget. Is there a way when creating the resource pools to give a number of FTEs for each role or say 50% of Sally and 25% of Ivan 33% of Sureet are in the pool? Am I missing something or is this not possible? Suzy Park Partners Healthcare System, Inc.
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