Currently, all of our projects begin as requests and get converted into projects. Oftentimes, after a project is completed, it needs to be reprinted with either minor changes or a straight reprint either months or a year later. We have them fill out a new request, but all of the custom print information that was with the original project needs to be re-entered into the new project manually. The request doesn't have the same data as the project, so copying the original request is not an option. Is there a more efficient way of handling these types of projects? There are up to 10 fields that need to be re-entered. Types of custom form fields that would we would be re-entering information would be vendor name, paper requirements, ink, etc - things that the requestor doesn't know how to answer which is why those fields aren't in the request form. In an ideal world, I would like an option to 'import custom field data' from a project into a new project and select what you want to import.