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Reporting on Teams with 0 Active Users


Level 9
I was poking around my instance and didn't see an easy way to run a report to display Teams that have no active users. Does anyone know of a way to do this so I can deactivate empty teams? Anthony Pernice
4 Replies


Level 10
Easiest way: I run a team report and have an option for two different columns. If you have always consistently removed your inactive users from your teams, there is a field called "Team Members" (in the team section). If that field is empty, then you can deactivate the team (after running all your other searches to see whether the team was assigned anything in an approval, a template or a queue). If you have never (or only randomly) removed your inactive users, then you would make a collection something like this: displayname=Active Team Members listdelimiter=& # x f e f f ; listmethod=nested(teamMembers).lists textmode=true type=iterate valueexpression=IF({user}.{isActive}="Yes",CONCAT({user}.{name}," | "),"") valueformat=HTML (take out the spaces in the listdelimiter line) -skye


Level 10
PS: not related to your question but I recently created a dashboard so after a team empties out I can audit them to see if they were * tagged in updates in the past X months * assigned tasks in the past X months * assigned issues in the past X months * in a template task * in a routing rule in our template queue topics * in a routing rule in our request queues I also went through our approval processes and described them to include who was in the approval process, so I can quickly run a search and see if their name pops up. It's a pity it's not easier to figure out a team's footprint. -skye


Level 9
WONDERFUL, thank you very much Skye! What do you do with "empty" teams? There isn't a way to deactivate them like there is with other elements in WF and deleting them would likely lose historical data. Anthony Pernice


Level 10
No problem, glad to help. As to what to do with empty teams, that's why I created the team audit dashboard. We've used a bunch of teams as organizational markers (they are not teams that were assigned work) and then after 4 years of re-orgs, some few dozen teams have emptied out. Because I suspected that some percentage of them were only "home teams" and not "work teams", by "auditing" the team using the dashboard I'm able to determine the impact deleting any team would have on current processes (as well as recent historical processes). I've also used this dashboard to analyze how much impact a team's name change would have (who's tagging that old name and needs to know the team's new name?). After that, it's truly up to your governance committee. If people are still interested in reporting (from a team perspective) on what happened 2 or 3 years ago, then of course you would lobby to Workfront that you want teams to have an "Is Active" flag just as certain other objects do--so that production work only has to see Active teams. (I know we had a recent community discussion on what else needed that flag). But honestly if you've reached the point where a team is being disbanded then I don't know that there's value in keeping the team around. For me, for the moment, I'm changing the team names to make it more evident that these should not be used in anything. -skye