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Reporting on Proofs that failed to generate?


Community Advisor

Has anyone successfully been able to report on proofs that failed to generate? I've created a document report as well as a Document Version report to report on large files (100mb+) uploaded to WF. Now I would see which of those documents failed to generate a proof. Some of them don't have proofs because the user didn't generate one. I want the documents where the user tried to generate a proof but it failed.


I tracked it down in the CSS to maybe get a clue as to how it worked but it doesn't look like it's triggered by a field.

<button class="css-1yun1oj error-label" type="button" data-testid="proof-failed" theme="default">Proof failed to generate</button>

<button class="css-15370zv" data-testid="generate-proof-dropdown" type="button"><span><div class="css-11fewqe e1e79mes0">Create Proof<svg viewBox="0 0 16 16" height="16" width="16"><path fill="#454B57" d="M8 10.43a.5.5 0 01-.36-.16L3.63 6a.5.5 0 01.73-.67L8 9.2l3.64-3.92a.5.5 0 01.73.69l-4 4.3a.47.47 0 01-.37.16z"></path></svg></div></span></button>
2 Replies


Level 7

I could really use this today...  I don't know if there is a way to bump this to the top of the question posts so I am going to repost it with a link to this...