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Reporting on Proof Usage? Stuck!


Level 9

We're trying to report on Proof Usage - specifically, how many unique proofs were created by a specific team over the past year.

I can't seem to get this out of the ProofHQ Dashboard or the WF Reporting system.

I ran a document report based on the following:

Owner > Home Team ID equal (all teams)

Current Version > Proof Name is not blank

Current Version > Version equal 1

Current Version > Entry Date equal this year

Document > Entry Date equal this year

I don't know if this is capturing everything since it's only bringing me results from September forward and I know that certain team members were using proof earlier this year.

In the ProofHQ Dashboard, my options are limited:

Custom time will only report in four month spans

Filtering on Proof Owner will not give me certain user names, and you cannot report by team.


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3 Replies


Community Advisor

I'm not commenting on your plan of attack, other than to say I think it's as good as any other. Most people plan out a course of action based on how their users work, so hopefully your plan takes that into account.

I am commenting that I think you need to revisit your understanding of what a Current Version is.

I don't have perfect understanding either, by all means! But I do want to put forward a suggestion:

1) a document can have many Versions.

2) but only one of them is the Current Version.

My suggestion -- The current version is (probably) the latest version.

You're really restricting your results when you say that the Current Version's version number has to be 1. I'm not surprised it's only bringing you results from September.

I'd revisit your plan of attack with that in mind, and ask yourself it it's probably OK to just delete that part of the filter. It might not be OK -- you might have rogue uploaders who upload a new version that doesn't get converted to a proof! (If that's the case, you might have to come up with a new plan of attack that involves only looking at version 1 proof names and version 1 of the file. Hopefully it won't come to that.)


Level 9

Thanks Skye. That's super helpful!

I'm trying to isolate only the unique proofs - so if a proof has 5 versions, I only want it to show up once on the report (hence the version =1 filter).

It sounds like that might be causing some issues so it might be a matter of just exporting the data and removing duplicates.

I appreciate your feedback!


Level 10

Hi Christina - if you do a document version report, there is a filter called "Is Current Version" and you can do True. That means a document would only show once in the report no matter how many versions.

Also if you use the Proof Creator Home Team ID filter, you will only get current versions that are proofs since non-proofs do not have Proof Creators. (Same with entry date for document version and document. A document will not be created this year if the current version is not)

I would try something like this:








Now., one thing your report is missing... what if I uploaded version 1 and someone else in another team upload version 2? Not sure if that happens for you, but note, that if it does, my contribution will not be counted because you are looking at the most current version.

So for that, I was thinking of something like this. So you will do a document object type report and then we can use an EXIST filter to say if ANY of the versions have a proof creator from XYZ team, show that document. And since it is a document, you will only ever get one entry for a file no matter what version it is on.






