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Report Showing Only Daily Allocated Task Hours for Assignees/Designers


Level 1

Hi Everyone, I would love to create a report that shows Daily Task Hours for our Designers. NOT the entire total Planned Hours for Tasks, potentially spread over a few days--ONLY Daily Hours. I was informed that WF can't run a report like this; does anyone have a workaround?

This would help immensely to assist our designers with time management so they can focus only on their daily allocated hours and tasks for the day. 

The only report I'm able to create does show tasks for the day, but also shows the total hours, rather than the daily allocated hours. This would be a great tool/function within Workfront.


Thanks for any insight!

2 Replies


Level 3

Agree that this would be a fantastic enhancement for Workfront.  The workaround that we are using is a Power BI report, where we divide the hours over the duration of task to get daily hours.  Caveat: you will create a lot of data quickly.  


Level 1

Thank you for sharing Amy; great to be aware as an option.