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Report on all Template Tasks where an approver exists


Level 10
We have about 300 approval templates where we have named approvers on tasks within the templates. I am trying to find a way to report on all template tasks where an approver exists so we can adjust them when requested. Since approvers do not populate into the Template Users (People) tab, I can't think of a way to do this. Does anyone know how or have ideas? Thanks.

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5 Replies


Level 10
Could you clarify your question? I feel like I'm missing something. At first read, I was thinking that you were asking for a template task report filtering for non-blank approval process ID. It seems too simple of an answer so what am I missing?


Level 10
I'm actually trying to report on all template tasks where a named approvers (not approval processes) exists. For example, show me all template tasks where Narayan is an approver in one of the approval steps. I've also got a ticket open with WF on this, so hopefully they'll have a solution.


Level 10
would love to hear their answer :). Can you report back?


Level 1


To my knowledge, this information is probably possible to pull with the API, but not from an internal Workfront report. The reason being is that Approvers in an approval process are housed within a Workfront feature called a "collection," and you cannot pull single items out of a collection for filtering or manipulation. I too am hoping they add this functionality as it would make reporting on approvers much much easier. Sorry I could not be of more help.