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Removing Old Approvals in Home


Level 2
Hi, I am trying to clean up some old proof approval requests that are no longer relevant. When i hover over the three dots, the only option is to Add to My Priority. Is there a way to remove or delete? Kristine Punga The Stop & Shop Supermarket Company LLC

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7 Replies


Level 10
This is a bug - we logged this with WF Support on Aug 2 (ticket #1156632). For us, we are talking about Proof Approvals specifically - not sure if that's what you meant. The way (I think) it's supposed to work - is once you select the item in your work list on the left, you click on the "Go To Proof" link in the top right corner (or navigate to the work item needing approval if its not a proof, when the item's tile card is displayed to the right of the work list) . Then approve your proof (or whatever it is), and it should drop from your Home list. But it doesn't! Katherine Haven, PMP VP, Director, Business Technologies - PMO FCB


Level 2
Hi Katherine - did your support ticket from august ever get resolved by Workfront? Kristine Punga The Stop & Shop Supermarket Company LLC


Level 9
Checking to see if this was resolved also - we're seeing it show up as a bug in our environment now. Christina Jarosz Ascensus


Level 2
Hello, I have not found a solution nor heard anything from anyone. Kristine Punga The Stop & Shop Supermarket Company LLC


Community Advisor
I've found some proof approvals that seem to be stuck on Home as well. When I dig further, it looks like a new proof was uploaded before a decision was made on the previous proof. I've gone into the documents tab for that project, selected the document, then under the Details tab on the right, scroll down to the various versions. For each version that has a proof (indicated by the green box with a check in it), click the 3 dots on the right, and go to the Proof Details for that version. From there I'm able to change anyone who is an Approver to just a Reviewer and that takes if off their Home.


Level 2
Thanks Heather. I'll try that. I guess the biggest problem for me is that there should be a "Remove" option in Home. Below, where the three dots bring up "Add to My Priority", "Remove" does not show up. Kristine Punga The Stop & Shop Supermarket Company LLC


Level 10
I second and third that remark and would upvote it if there was an Idea posted. Users should have the ability to remove old Proof approvals from their view. I cannot get my Creative Director to use Home because of this. She can't approve every single thing, she would never eat or sleep, but everything is shared with her, and her default is review+approve for the times she does review proofs. It clogs up her Home tasks and she can't see what actually needs to be done. It's very frustrating because otherwise this would be a very good to do list for her (I think, hard to tell, it's so clogged up with junk!) Jill Ackerman