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"Projects I'm On" Team Report


Level 2
Hi. New to the community, this is my first post. Figured I'd give this a try. I see that many users share a similar need for a report like this. But I have yet to come across a convincing answer. Sorry. I hope Workfront is monitoring / listening. The concept is simple: Literally create a report that replicates the same view from the "Projects > Projects I'm On" view. Except apply it to members that pertain to a particular Home Team ID. Here's the key thing. It NEEDS to be GROUPED by the individual team member. So in essence, the equivalent of if I were to login as each team member, go to their Projects I'm On view, export the file, and then manually compile into 1 spreadsheet. Of course, that is impossible to do every week for a team of 16 designers that are on projects. They are not the sponsors, they are not the owners of the projects. They are simply part of the staffing. I really can't figure out why a simple view like this is so hard to come by. Does anyone else share this pain? So the report would look like: Joe Designer Project A ......... ............ .............. .................. Project B ......... ........... ............. ................. Project C ........ ............ ............ .................. Jane Designer Project D Project E Project F etc. Would welcome any and all suggestions! Many thanks. Victor Victor Mendez MFS Investment Management

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8 Replies


Level 10
Hi Victor, I just tried an API query that returned what you're after (albeit JSON format). You can do the same by logging in to your Workfront environment, replacing [yourdomain] in the following, and the running it in your browser's URL: "https://[yourdomain].my.workfront.com/attask/api/user/search?teams:name_Mod=notnull&fields=teams:name">https://[yourdomain].my.workfront.com/attask/api/user/search?teams:name_Mod=notnull&fields=teams:name With this first step in hand, I'll now see if I can create a User report in Workfront that formats it more pleasantly for you. Regards, Doug


Level 10
Ehm...it's still early, and apparently I was too hasty. What I sent shows each user and what Teams they are on. I'm studying your real question more closely now and will get back to you. Regards, Doug


Level 2
Wow. Thanks Doug. Much appreciated. On a Saturday, no less! Victor Mendez Mfs Investment Management Foundation, Inc


Level 10
No worries Victor, In fact, thank you: I needed a break from another thing I'd been working on. I have created a report called AtApp User Home Team Project that I think is pretty close to what you were after, and has a couple of extra (unavoidable) features that might be of interest. I've attached a screenshot of what it looks like, and also created an instructional video showing how it works, and how you can build it yourself (and then improve it. You can download it either from "http://atappstore.attask-ondemand.com/document/public/view?publicToken=kHYIq2O59WwKTp-TbmDSE2ELkD8gU0gsFBACJP4Ui7qW6V3l6OIkESlasKEfTT-od6kNQCj6G9jWo1xdUWMsoA==&endcap">Workfront or from this "https://login.filesanywhere.com/fs/v.aspx?v=8b726986596175b5b46c">FileShare . I hope that gives you some ideas. Have fun with it, and thanks again! Regards, Doug


Level 2
Sounds good, Doug. I'll take a look. Thank you for taking the time.. Victor Mendez MFS Investment Management


Level 10
Hi Victor, How did you make out with the "Projects I'm On" Team Report? Regards, Doug Doug Den Hoed - AtAppStore Got Skills? Lend a hand! https://community.workfront.com/participate/unanswered-threads


Level 2
Hi Doug, Thanks for reaching out. I see your name pop up every so often, helping other users with their questions, so much respect! I tried your suggestion, but here's what we wound up doing: I just created a new drop-down field with the names of the designers and added it to a custom form. When our project managers open a new project and pull in this custom form, they select the name of the designer who they will be working with from the drop-down field. Then I can run a regular active project report and group by designer name. It's a tad more manual, but it serves our needs perfectly. There was not an easy Workfront solution, so we had to get a little creative. Thanks again for your help. Victor Victor Mendez MFS Investment Management


Level 10
That's kind of you to say, Victor; thank you. I like your solution, and have used something similar before, myself (e.g. Project Geologist, Project Engineer, Project Production Accountant, etc.) -- very handy for prompted reports, where you're looking for a particular combination, and a useful way to chart Projects to look for simple load leveling (e.g. "Current Projects, by Project Geologist, Grouped By Projected Completion Date"). In fact, here's a nifty little trick that my friend Matt Mitchell at Workfront showed me that you might want to consider: in a separate browser tab, create a quick User report, filtered to your Designers, and showing their name and ID edit your Designers drop down parameter turn on the "values" (which are normally hidden) beside each Designer's name, replace the value (e.g. "Doug Den Hoed") with their ID (e.g. 7f84d9bdec22984cd040007f01006da3) the existing data will automatically update within Workfront (which is lovely; it didn't used to) The benefit of this approach is that you can then create a report of Designer Users where (for example) Designer = $$USER.ID (i.e. "my stuff", if I'm the Designer who is logged in). Regards, Doug Doug Den Hoed - AtAppStore Got Skills? Lend a hand! https://community.workfront.com/participate/unanswered-threads