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Quick Tip: Next time you're building something using the Workfront API, follow the Best Practices outlined by the Workfront team.



Before you go and build or update your next API integration with Workfront, check out what Workfront recommends as an API best practice here, and while you're at it, check out all the Workfront Best Practices.

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4 Replies


Community Advisor

we use the field description to store integration markers, so as we’re changing a specific one, there’s no additional reference we need to check, such as pulling up an additional project.



That's such a good tip! I love having information in the place that I'm working and not having to go somewhere else... let alone remembering WHERE that somewhere else was.


Community Advisor

I learned how to use postman this year! (I promise this is relevant.)

One thing I learned was that postman allows for use of environments (https://learning.postman.com/docs/sending-requests/managing-environments/), a way to indicate a set of variables you can use in API calls. The most important variable I learned about was the base URL.

On the customer side, it allows you to easily toggle between environments. For Workfront, this means sandbox and production environments. But it also allows for instances that are merging to just indicate a new base URL instead of having to hunt our way through every place we've hardcoded an environment.

On the community side, as we start to use blueprints more and more in scenarios, it allows for easier ways to share scenarios if custom API calls (aka the http module) wasn't hard coded with the predecessor's base URL.

Anyway, just a thought about best practices.



Interesting thoughts, Skye. Thank you for sharing, I'll be sure to pass this along.