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Queue Topic Group in Calculated Field?


Level 4
Hi all - Our Request Queue process is evolving, causing us to use Topic Groups. I'm attempting to use calculated fields to pull the Topic Group Name into Custom Forms. In the past, we only had to pull the Topic Name, as so: IF(({Brand Override Needed?}="Yes"),Brand, Queue Topic.Name ) It worked beautifully! The IF statement is the easy part. I've been unable to find out how/if we can pull the Topic Group into a calculated field in a similar way. Here's what I've tried so far, with no results: IF(({Brand Override Needed?}="Yes"),Brand, Parent Topic Group.Name ) IF(({Brand Override Needed?}="Yes"),Brand, Topic Group.Name ) IF(({Brand Override Needed?}="Yes"),Brand, Queue Topic Group.Name ) Any other thoughts? Greg Troester CHG Healthcare Services, Inc.
4 Replies


Level 10
give "Queue Topic.Parent Topic Group.Name" a try. -skye


Level 4
You nailed it - thanks Skye! Greg Troester CHG Healthcare Services, Inc.


Level 10
no problem, Greg, and thank YOU for posting your initial question. It gave me a few ideas for what to do with my own request queue custom forms :) (nothing super genius, but it will help clarify to the workers what kind of request they are working on--like, where it came from) -skye


Level 4
Context is always helpful, right? Thanks again! Greg Troester CHG Healthcare Services, Inc.