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Pull a report based on the Custom Form Name


Level 2
I need to add a new custom form to about 500 projects. I had hoped to add the customer from by doing a mass edit at the project level, but I have found out that if the new form is already on one of the projects in the list, WF will not allow me to add that form. How can I build a build a report that will only pull in projects that do not contain a specific custom form? Nathan Barnhill Altice USA

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4 Replies


Level 10
You're looking to build a project report, and in the filter section you want to put Template: Category ID / Not Equal / -skye


Level 7
Hi Nathan, "Custom Forms" in Workfront are indicated as "Category" in the Reports. For what you are trying to do, you can run a Project Report and exclude out a "Category", as in "Only show Projects in which the...Category Name does not equal...type in the name of your Custom Form. Terry Hynd EBSCO Information Services


Level 2
This field only returns results if the specific form is the first one listed in the project. Nathan Barnhill Altice USA (BS)


Level 4
Categories --> ID -- Melinda Layten, Senior Consultant Work Management Improvement CapabilitySource Phone: (484) 505-6855 site: www.capabilitysource.com email: melinda.layten@capabilitysource.com Helpful? Buy me a coffee: https://www.patreon.com/mlayten - we simplify your work so you can run your business -