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PTO Enhancements needed


Level 10
Hi, I watched the recent product roadmap presentation. There's lots of focus on proofing and integration with other tools but it doesn't seem like there is much priority on enhancing the core functionality. PTO is an area that is "https://support.workfront.com/hc/en-us/community/posts/115001222987-Notification-When-Resource-is-Scheduled-for-Time-Off">crying out for attention and it underpins everything to do with task scheduling. At the moment PTO: Is almost impossible to report on. Is invisible when assigning resources via the task list. Is unable to be entered and managed centrally. Does not go through an approval process. Shows as the same colour as Schedule Exceptions on the calendars (so you can't tell what's PTO and what's not). As a result of the above, some customers use convoluted workarounds like creating PTO projects, although they're far from perfect solutions. The Scheduler doesn't currently match resources to tasks based on whether they are on PTO or not. The community is a great source of ideas. If you have other ideas for how PTO could be improved, please list them here and hopefully WF Product Management can see the demand and increase its priority in the dev schedule. Regards, David Cornwell
9 Replies


Level 3
Totally agree with this list. The biggest issue for us is that fact that there is no notification or alert when tasks are affected by PTO and planned completion start/dates are shifted - someone can put a holiday into the system, and then suddenly a project is running 2 weeks later than initially planned with no way of knowing. Stephanie Mulrooney Tomorrow People


Community Advisor
Totally agree with Stephanie, we struggle with this non-stop.


Level 10
Ugh, we're still doing implementation now and I'll have to keep this one in mind alongside managing overtime... Kevin Quosig


Level 5
I agree with David's list an would add: 8) allow Admins to change users settings/views via the layout template. Having the "time off" hidden under more just means my team forgets to use it. Please upvote: https://support.workfront.com/hc/en-us/community/posts/360028895194-Add-My-Settings-to-admin-layout-... Aileen Taylor Cell Signaling Technology


Level 3
Totally agree with this. Visibility of this information is greatly lacking. Count me as someone with a PTO project queue as a workaround. MTCF Matt Fuller AFSG


Level 4

I came to say this and to see if anyone had a solution? I'd love to be able to draw down for users on available PTO hours by utilizing a set amount of PTO hours. I'm fine with setting up a queue for PTO approval, but everything i'm coming across tells me i can't input available PTO hours for the team and have those hours get deducted as people are assigned PTO. 


Level 3

@OliviaCl we have the same issue and I have been told Fusion is the solution for this. We are currently putting together a use case to submit to the ePMO. 


Level 10

Ah yes, the standard answer for functionality that rationally should be built-into the system: use Fusion to do it so we don't have to build it for you. They'd rather sell Fusion than solve legitimate problems sometimes.


Level 2

I know with the PTO the clocks all need to match up with the user clock, schedule, and user account. This can be complex but, I know that could be why they don't match.