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Provide your Review & Approve (ProofHQ) feedback to the Workfront UX Team!


Level 9
Hey there Community friends! Our internal UX Team over Workfront's Proofing tool would love some feedback on the work they're doing. @Skylar Sanford will be dropping in to do a LIVE Q&A on this thread on Tuesday, August 1st at 10:00 am MST. Skylar is a User Experience Designer here at Workfront over Proofing inside of Workfront. He is new to the Community and is excited to be engaging with you in understanding better your feedback with new releases, your vision of the future of proofing. Over the next few days, we'd love it if you would provide your thoughts, ideas, and responses to the following questions: As we are in full sprint to make proofing inside of Workfront behave like Review & Approve (ProofHQ), we are aware a good portion of you are still not using proofing inside workfront until it works more like Review & Approve (ProofHQ). So I want to ask what specific missing functionality are holding you back. What's been your experience with the new Reporting on Proof Status? Were you aware that you could report on Proof Status? How do you like the new Proof Approvals in My Work? Please leave your questions, ideas, and feedback in the comments below. Once the Q&A is over we'll close the thread. We'll allow Skylar and his team time to process what they learn, and I'll definitely be inviting them back again to chat with us. Please get your questions and feedback in early so Skylar and his team can prepare the best responses possible over the next few days. If this goes well, we'd like to consider making Q&As like this a regular experience inside the community involving other teams and departments. Thanks for all you do to make the Community an awesome place. -Nate Nate Bagley Community Manager Workfront natebagley@workfront.com | 801.477.9712
27 Replies


Level 2
Thanks everyone for your comments today! I have a huge log of notes of solid feedback to sort through now (thanks to a couple specific community members, I'm looking at you, Sydney). But really, your comments today, if you believe it or not have already made a shift in our short term roadmap of where we need to focus more. Please continue to post to this thread throughout the week. And I will be planning to post a new question for thoughts/feedback each week for you guys to help me better understand your needs. I will also be very active on the Review and Approval discussion thread. So look for me and say hi! Thanks y'all, peace! Skylar Sanford Workfront


Level 2
Holla! thanks for supporting words. I'll be sharing them with the team to give them some validation in their hard work. And again, I can't thank you enough for all your comments and feedback. We'll talk more soon! Skylar Sanford Workfront


Level 7
@Skye Boardman , I'm curious, given your designers are the document owners but it sounds like your PMs are responsible for the review process, how do you make sure your PMs are notified in a timely manner when someone has made a decision on a document? Since there is no document approval notification that goes to project owner, only document owner, our PMs complain about being out of the loop. Barbara Sedlack BMO Financial Group


Level 10
@Barbara Sedlack -- yes, that's somewhat correct -- the way we work right now our Designers end up being the "proof owners." Here is how it works for us. (we are a marketing/creative services department in a financial company, so we have a lot of checks and balances) Each piece we create is a separate project. Within the project are all the tasks that we have to go through in order to get that piece to distribution. (I know there was a separate discussion in the Global Discussions area where someone said that it was not worth setting up tasks but for us we use a project template as the process manual for how a piece is created and distributed, and it keeps our 20 PMs in sync with each other so that everyone is doing the all the things in the same way) The tasks all follow the same basic pattern, in a waterfall methodology ( creation leads to review leads to distribution ) with obviously some re-work paths built in. Our projects are on average about 40 tasks -- we have a lot of review tasks and it helps to see these as tasks because then they add to the project duration and are reportable so we can see trends. The PMs are the project owners, but as well, they are one of the major workers in their projects, as they are in charge of managing the review process for their piece. The Designer would have a Design task that is a predecessor to the PM's Review task. The PM's review task is the predecessor for other tasks, so the project cannot proceed until this review task is done. If a piece requires change, many PMs prefer to put in additional revision tasks (again, this helps make obstacles that increase the project duration more visible). The PMs can and often do use their Review task to loop in other reviewers as doc approvers. As they add the reviewer to the Document Approvals line on the file, the PM is the person who will get the notifications that say when the reviewer has approved or rejected. This lets them have the instant notification they need, as well as vet any requested changes before they send it back to the Designers as another revision task. Other ways they get the notification they need is to assign the reviewer on a predecessor task to the task that they are assigned to. As soon as that predecessor review task is done, they know they can start their part. You will often see a task called "Compliance Review" followed by a task called "Consolidate Review" (the compliance reviewers have a review task duration of 5 days and the PM can review all changes before sending back to Design). PS: not that you asked, but here is a list of people who need to review each piece. Writer, email manager (for emails), Creative Director (for design), PM, Sales or Product or Business team, Compliance (if a piece reaches customers), Legal (if specific things are mentioned), Partner, and final proofreader. I'm sure it looks crazy from the outside, but the law in the US is very specific where financial matters are concerned. :) -skye


Level 7
Thank you so much for this @Skye Boardman ! We are a creative services department within an FI, so similar but our approval process responsibilities are only a piece of the overall (e.g. we don't handle compliance, product or legal approvals). Our approvers are internal (PMs and creative directors) and external (marketing/requester). The main difference is that it's the designer who adds in the approver, rather than the PM. Also, our PMs are not really the "hub" for approvals. Reading your write up and for the first time realizing that it's the person who adds the approver who gets notified of the approval decision, I can see the benefits of having the PM be the one to set up and manage the approval paths in WF. I was always under the impression that it was document owner who received approval notifications - regardless of who added the approver to the document. Not sure why I was so certain that's the way it was… I'm not sure our PMs have capacity to be so hands-on with managing the WF approval process. I did a quick search, and our PMs projects have anywhere between a dozen to 30 documents added by designers every day. How does this compare do you think to your volumes? (If I want to propose process changes here, I definitely need to be able to prove it's doable elsewhere and what the real benefits are.) By the way, we also use tasks that match approval stages, but shortly after our initial roll-out, we were asked to reduce granularity (read: lots of complaining made us revamp our templates…) so our task list per deliverable is now: First draft for internal review First draft to Marketing Review and revisions, final approval due (this task has a longer duration and is supposed to accommodate all rounds of revisions) Final files due Barbara Sedlack BMO Financial Group


Level 10
@Barbara Sedlack -- you're welcome! Your and my work teams are quite different it seems. Our designers cannot be expected to know who needs to approve every piece, nor can they be expected to know which markups are relevant and which can be ignored. That is where our PM's role comes in. The requests all originate within their department, and the creative team (designers and writers) are a small part of their project. For volumes, I think we average about 10 pieces a day. We probably do sometimes fluctuate to 20 just because of the way product launches and campaigns run. I think we only have about 150 reviewers. I will be interested to see how this scales, as we add new workflows every quarter. I heard you on the granularity issue. I fight the good fight every day, trying to keep the number of tasks down in order to reduce mouse clicks for the end user. Some days it's a win, some days it's a loss. :) -skye


Level 4
If you want someone else to get the notification that a proof is approved just make their email notification as final decision. They will get an email when all approvers have made their decision. Samantha Multichannel Operations Specialist 817-424-2186 P Please consider the environment before printing this e-mail and other reports