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Proof Emails - "Share this proof with someone else" - Non SSO User


Former Community Member


When sharing a proof email with the "Share this proof with someone else" option, it eventually links to the standard WF page that requires SSO - "https://COMPANY.my.workfront.com".


Is there a way to avoid this if the person being sent the email is a non-tenant requestor who would normally log in via "https://COMPANY.my.workfront.com/login"?


At present, the External requestor will then face the SSO login error message. Is it standard that the External person wouldn't use the proof link button in the email, and would always login via the ***/login link instead? It not very connected!




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4 Replies


Level 9

We have the same issue as well, and as of the last time I asked Support about it, this was functionality as designed. Links from emails will always go to the SSO portal even if the User account does not have SSO enabled. Which is incredibly confusing to all our external users, and something I'd love to see fixed.


Former Community Member

Hi Katherine, thanks for replying. My solution is to add all the users emails as guests to our active directory, and add their emails to their federation id in the profile. This will produce an invite email to the external users to join our organisation. After that, they will be able to use the URL via the email link.


So a bit more work, and I'll need to create some documentation for the affected users, but at least they'll get a similar experience as when they were an external user.





Community Advisor

Hi, in Setup > Proof Settings, do you have this top box selected? That may be what's causing this.



If this helped you, please mark correct to help others : )


Former Community Member

Hi Madalyn,


We are starting to use that for a specific client and this is what caused our problem as the link it uses is the SSO one. Our clients were being set up to use passwords, but the link then errors as they weren't in the tenant. They could only get in via the /login URL which is a bit clunky when they want to check a proof.


By adding their email addresses as guests to our tenant, it allows them to use the link (Go to proof) in the email.


Thanks, Matt