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Proof documents I've submitted


Level 2
I've created a report that shows me all the Proof Documents that I've created. Anyone know if there is a way to exclude Documents that have either been locked or archived? Also, is there a way to create a report that shows the date or when someone approved/made a decision? Thanks, Jen Buher Tractor Supply Company

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3 Replies


Level 4
Hi Jen, Here is the text mode we use on our Proofs I Submitted for Approval report. It filters on current projects, current document version, and the user id. So when a user is logged in and looking at this report they are only seeing the current version of a document that is attached to a current project that they submitted for approval. EXISTS:a:$$OBJCODE=DOCU EXISTS:a:project:status=CUR EXISTS:a:project:status_Mod=in EXISTS:a:versions:ID=FIELD:documentVersionID isCurrentDocumentVersion=true isCurrentDocumentVersion_Mod=eq requester:ID=$$USER.ID requester:ID_Mod=in I don't know how to show the date that someone approved a proof, but we group by the proof creation date and then by doucment name. We use multiple stages and that way it keeps all of the same document grouped together. group.0.groupdatesby=DY group.0.linkedname=direct group.0.namekey=proofCreationDate group.0.notime=false group.0.valuefield=proofCreationDate group.0.valueformat=atDateAsDayString group.1.displayname=Document Name group.1.linkedname=document group.1.namekey=view.relatedcolumn group.1.namekeyargkey.0=document group.1.namekeyargkey.1=name group.1.valuefield=documentVersion:document:name group.1.valueformat=string textmode=true I hope this helps. Thanks, Jessie Dantin Mercy Health


Level 10
Hi Jessie, can you tell me what type of report it is you're adding the Exists Mod text below into? Thanks, narayan


Level 4
It's the proof approval report. Thanks, Jessie Dantin Mercy Health