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Projects and User Schedules


Level 2
We have 2 different divisions that are sharing a workfront account. Each division has set up their User Schedules differently. We are running into an issue where if someone from division 1 gets assigned to a task on a project for division 2, the task due dates on the division 2 project get moved. If we change the the Calculate Resource Availability Using at a system level, it will completely mess up all projects for division 1. Does anyone know of a way to manage this at a project level? We need the due dates to stay the same regardless of which division they work for. We create our templates using As Soon As Possible and As Late As Possible task constraints because planned completion dates tend to move. We don't want to change the tasks to Must Finish On for that reason. Jen Buher Tractor Supply Company
5 Replies


Level 5
Hi Jen, In the Edit Project, under settings, you can select the schedule you want your project to run on. You can also do this on the template level, if you don't want to remember to change the schedule on every conversion - is that what you are looking for? Miranda Rais GVC


Level 2
Both the template schedule and the project schedule are correctly set to the division 2 schedule. The dates still change when I add someone from division 1. Any other thoughts? Jen Buher Space and Business Systems Planner Tractor Supply Co A4067 (615) 440-4624


Level 10
Hi @Jen Buher - another potential solution/workaround for you is based on a setting in the SysAdmin Setup area....under Project Preferences -> Projects. "When multiple users are assigned to a task, use the schedule of the...". You can choose either 'Primary Assignment' or 'Project'. In your case, I'd suggest using 'Project'. This means: In the scenario that you have two people assigned to the same task from different divisions, this will make the schedule revert to the project's schedule (which would be the Divison 2 schedule). If you only need one person assigned and they are from Division 1, you can also add a Role assignment (we have one for this purpose called LT for 'Local Time')....this will force Workfront to consider it as being a multiple assignment and therefore the task schedule will revert to the project's schedule. Just make sure you edit the assigned hours to 0 for the role, under advanced assignments. Not perfect, but it might suffice.... David Cornwell


Level 2
The issue isn't with having multiple people assigned to the same task. The issue is when I assign someone to a task that is from a different division (different schedule), the due dates for several tasks are changed (not just the task that person is assigned). I'm trying to find a way to keep that from happening. Jen Buher Tractor Supply Company


Level 10
Hi @Jen Buher - that was the second part of my suggestion....this is a workaround to avoid your issue: "If you only need one person assigned and they are from Division 1, you can also add a Role assignment (we have one for this purpose called LT for 'Local Time')....this will force Workfront to consider it as being a multiple assignment and therefore the task schedule will revert to the project's schedule. Just make sure you edit the assigned hours to 0 for the role, under advanced assignments. " So basically, if you have someone from Division 1 assigned to the task, then you also add a role assignment (but don't assign it to anyone). This makes Workfront see it as being 2 assignemnts on the task, and will force it to revert to using the Division 2 project schedule (presuming you have the option set in your sysadmin project preferences so that it will revert to use the project schedule if there are multiple assignments. Not ideal, but it should work for you. David Cornwell