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Project Report showing last note from Request


Level 5
My Project report isn't showing the last note from the Project, but is showing the last note from the Request. Anyone know how to change this to make it show the Project's last note displayname=Last Note linkedname=lastNote textmode=true valueexpression=IF(ISBLANK({lastNote}.{entryDate}),"None",(CONCAT({lastNote}.{entryDate}," ",{lastNote}.{owner}.{name}," - ",{lastNote}.{noteText}))) valueformat= Kristine Ross Empower-Retirement
2 Replies


Level 7
I tested out your text code by creating a Project Report, adding your text code as a column, and filtering on projects that I know were created from converted requests (and that had comments on the requests before they were converted to projects). Anyway, it seems to be working OK, as on my report it is pulling the last note from the project, as you expected it would. Terry Hynd EBSCO Information Services


Level 7
If the project does not have any additional notes/updates other than the ones from the converted request, then the last note from the request would populate as your 'last note' on the project, as that converted request note is now part of the project notes and was the 'last note'. Hope that makes sense. Terry Hynd EBSCO Information Services