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Project Progress Status and extending task duration time


Level 4

I want to double check that extending task duration in a project that has fallen behind (Progress Status At Risk, Behind or Late and Project Condition At Risk or In Trouble) will never return the project to On Time-On Target. I’ve tested this a bit and found extending the duration dates will change the progress status and project condition to other levels, but the project never goes back to On Time-On Target. This makes sense to me since the progress status calculations are based on Estimated and Projected Completion Dates, which are system set. Are there project date situations that I missed in testing where changing task duration can reset an At Risk or Behind progress status to On Time?


4 Replies


Community Advisor

If by changing the duration of the task you are changing the timeline of the project, it could change your progress status back to on time. 


On time is reflected by both Projected and Estimated Completion Dates being earlier than or equal to the project's Planned Completion Date. 


So, if you change the durations enough to push out that planned completion date it would adjust back to on time.


Level 4

That's what I thought would happen, but my testing isn't showing any way to adjust duration to get the project back on time. Occasionally, the project managers need to adjust the external review task of a deliverable since it's taking longer than expected, but still within acceptable time. When I do this in testing by adding duration to the external review task, the planned completion date adjusts as expected. The estimated and projected completion dates push out further than the planned completion date, which I think is preventing the project from going back to On Time. Once the tasks are off target progress status, I'm not finding a way to return the task and project progress status to On Time. Looking at the On Time definition here- 

  • If both Projected and Estimated Completion Dates are earlier than or equal to the project's Planned Completion Date

By extending task duration of an off target task, which adjusts the planned completion date, that seems to push the estimated and projected completion dates to a future date that will never be earlier or equal to the project's planned completion date.

I'm confused by this. I feel like I'm missing something in testing, but can't pinpoint what I'm missing. We would like to use the automatic project condition feature but project managers will be concerned that changing task duration and planned completion date will never put the project back in On Time once the task duration has changed. 


Community Advisor

Any chance the project condition type is set to manual instead of progress status?





Level 4

No, I'm testing with the condition type set to progress status and not manual. Extending task duration can get the condition to move automatically from In Trouble to At Risk. But no matter what duration changes I make, the condition never goes back to On Target automatically.