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Project association filed


Level 3

Hello, I'd like to edit a field within the Overview Section in Project Details.   I can't identify how this can get done.  I'm hoping someone can assist with an answer. 

A specific Group Name defaults with every project.  PMs need to be able to change it. 

Can I change  the Group field  to  a required field and blank instead of prefilled and unrequired. This is not part of a custom form, I think it is built in somewhere in WF. 


Any help would be appreciated.  Thank you 

7 Replies


Community Advisor

Further down the Project Details page there might be an indication of what template was used to open the project, if one exists.  It would be a matter of finding and editing the template used to open the project.  Templates can be found by clicking the "grid icon" in the top right.


To edit the project details in an individual project you can click the pencil icon in the top right part of your screen or alternately you can click the "3 dots" next to the share button and click Edit.


Level 3

Thank you, this info. isn't part of a template. 


Community Advisor

How are these projects being opened?  Is there a person manually opening them, could it be that this person is applying incorrect values.  From a system perspective something unique to your environment must be filling in those details because, stating the obvious, Workfront doesn't automatically provide such info specific to your environment to every Workfront customer.  Something on your side is adding it, it's a matter of figuring out the chain of events perhaps.


Community Advisor

The group field populates based on either a prefilled value in the template, or if the template field is blank, it defaults to the home group of the individual. If the value being filled is not the desired value, and you cannot pre-fill it at the template level, your only choices would be to either educate your project creators further, or use an automation to fill the group field out as the projects are created.


Level 3

Thank you, I'll continue to look for where the content is populated. 


Level 3

Thank you, I agree, there is something on our side populating the information.  I'm just struggling with where the information resides.  I will continue to investigate. 




Community Advisor

I think that @skyehansen was probably accurate when she said that the group info is likely being inherited from the person creating the project.  In other words, this is the group that the project creator exists in, the field was left blank so it inherits the value from the project creator and it will display that value until someone corrects it.