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Possible for sys admin to delete any comments/updates?


Level 8

I didn't find any settings, so wanted to double check - is it true that system admins can't delete any comments/updates made by other users?

I have a user with a plan license (we remove the ability for them to delete comments) who made an update in the wrong project and needed to delete it. I thought I should be able to go to the comment and delete it, but I had to update the access level temporarily so the user could delete the comment herself, then switch the access level back.

Is this the only way?

2 Replies



Hi Kristen,

You can update the access level and have the user do it, or you can log in as that user and do it yourself, but that is currently the only approach. This is to ensure that the auditing for the update stream can be relied upon.



Level 2

Hi Kirsten,

We do the same as you. We don't allow users to delete comments and when we (THE WF SYSTEM ADMINS) are made aware of a delete request, I change the current access level for that user to allow delete comments then I log in as that person to delete it, then change the access back to original state. We try to take ownership of these deletions and protect what is being deleted, we review the comments and or documents and then delete. Just like Dustin mentioned, its to ensure that the auditing for the update stream can be relied upon. We don't get too many update mistakes so its not too troublesome.

good luck, 😊