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Portland User Group Feedback


Level 9
Hey there Portland friends! It sounds like your User Group went really well last week! Lauren over at LaCrosse Footwear sent me some notes on things you talked about. I'd love to hear your thoughts on them, and see if we can set a date and find a host for the next event. If you have any input on that, please leave your suggestions in the comments. At the User Group we discussed these various topics: Scheduled deliver reports don't come with an option to only arrive with an imbedded URL Agile system breadcrumbs (starting on the user side) will confusingly take user to the project instead of their starting point Marketing tends to be the team that is not logging in nor utilizing the system (they don't like the interface) Resource management is too robust and confusing for the average user, need a cleaner view Frequency of Workfront rep changes, along with no handoff period between reps, is a constant frustration When bugs/unfinished code issues are discovered with the Workfront customer service team, we should not have to then log it into the Idea Exchange. This should be a third leg of the Workfront release (Workfront roadmap and Idea Exchange should be the other two). Feel free to elaborate with your thoughts in the comments! -Nate Nate Bagley Community Manager Workfront natebagley@workfront.com | 801.477.9712
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